People of all religious beliefs invited to JW District Assembly???

by JH 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I just happened to google Jehovah Witnesses in french "Temoins de Jéhovah" and found this interesting article.

    Les Témoins de Jéhovah sollicitent la population

    Annonceur vedette Clinique dentaire François Les Témoins de Jéhovah sollicitent la population Les Témoins de Jéhovah organisent une campagne sans précédent à Victoriaville et les environs afin d’inviter la population à leur congrès annuel sous le thème : «La délivrance est proche!» Ce congrès se déroulera, du 7 au 9 juillet, au Palais des sports de Sherbrooke. «Confrontés à toutes sortes d’inquiétudes, nous sommes, peu importent nos croyances, à la recherche de réconfort et d’espérance pour l’avenir», a mentionné Pascal Fischer, représentant local des Témoins de Jéhovah.

    Toutes les sessions du congrès sont ouvertes au public et l’entrée est gratuite. Au total, au cours des mois de juin et juillet, les Témoins de Jéhovah organisent six congrès dans trois villes du Québec. I'll try to translate it the best I can The Jehovah Witnesses are inviting everybody to attend their congres July 7th through the 9th. The JW's are inviting people like never before to attend this congres. We are confronted with all kinds of anxiety and problems, and no matter what religious belief you have, we all look forward to comfort and hope for a better future. Everyone is invited and it's free. lol So, all depending how fast your read the article, you might think that all beliefs are respected at the assembly, but no, they only mean that no matter what religious belief you have, you're invited. Come to the assembly, but leave your religious beliefs home. Gee, the JW's have a way with words.....
  • Genesis

    Humm, I havent heard of any other place in Quebec that they invited people to the DA. Maybe they did that in Victoriaville to compete with the Chick and Swell lol.

    edited to add : JH I think youre there is a translation error in this statement : and no matter what religious belief you have

    IMHO its "and no matter what religious belief we have"

  • Elsewhere

    Ironically, at the very same District Convention, a resolution is read stating that everyone promises not to participate in Interfaith activities.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    THIS IS GREAT!! I really hope alot of non JW people go to these CRAP ASSemblies and see what a load of BS it is, and when they start talking against the kids getting higher education, these people will surely walk out....wondering why the hell they bothered to go to this CULT meet. This will indeed help people see what this religion is about, and they will hopefully never open their doors to another JW.

    Although I really think this whole campaign thing is geared toward the R&F witnesses, to keep them busy, I doubt any non witnesses will make an effort to go to this stupidity.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I got an invite to our assembly yesterday which I thought odd as I'm not a JW.

    I can't make the whole event but am thinking of going to the public talk on Sunday afternoon.

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