Re the "porn problem" elder.

by hamsterbait 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    They say if you are caught viewing porn etc.

    Will they insist on the two witless rule here, or will just one person saying they saw So and So looking at porn be accepted.

    I suspect they will NOT, as most people in the world will not view most pornography as morally repellent, and so it might not bring shame on the FDS.



  • OICU8it2

    I cannot believe that because I had two cases of brew in there, on top of all my "doubting questions". Hey Papajohn sit back with a brew and be glad. You are not alone and have family here. I had doubting questions and beer all my time in the truth (except 18 months to see if I could go without it). I always have Avery India Pale Ale and am a hophead. Any doubts about leavin' check out the books offered here if you haven't already. Live.

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