Can Dubs Eat Ice Cream ??

by Poztate 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Poztate

    I picked up this little item from They might have to have a QFR or article to help them make up their minds.

    26 June 2006 LOW FAT VANEELA ICE CREAM By Stewart Maclean

    A LOW-fat ice cream using DNA from an eel-like fish has been developed by scientists.

    A protein created from the blood of the North Atlantic ocean pout could cut the fat content, reduce calories by 30 per cent and alter the genetic make-up of ingredients without affecting taste.

    It is already used in some US ice creams and is being developed here by Unilever.

    A spokesman said: "People want lower fat products but don't want to sacrifice taste."

    But campaigners fear it could boost waistlines.

    The National Heart Forum said: "There is a clear danger that offering low fat versions might suggest you can eat as much as you like."

    Friends of the Earth said firms should spend their money producing "healthy, natural and nutritious food".

  • VM44

    Has ice cream ever been served for dessert in the Bethel dining rooms? --VM44

  • Mysterious

    But it's such a small fraction...or isn't that the current no blood reasoning train of thought?

  • Poztate
    But it's such a small fraction...or isn't that the current no blood reasoning train of thought?

    That "train of thought" if you can call it that is based on medical procedures. This is food which I think they would view differently. I think if you told them you ate sausage for example that had a few blood fractions added to it they would be agast at your lack of respect for blood. I think their answer would be NO to ice cream that contained blood also.

  • glitter

    When I was in I never ate ice cream from Mr Whippy or Mr Softee ice cream vans - because it "has blood in it". I always thought it was ridiculous, but actually I don't know if I've *ever* eaten ice cream from those particular vans even when I've been out (though maybe I just haven't seen one!)

    The "reasoning" was that it had lecithin in it!

  • Poztate
    The "reasoning" was that it had lecithin in it!

    They used to still have all sorts of bizzare reasoning. For a while (late 60's ?) They had a thing in about specialty FLOUR. It seems or was thought SOME might contain blood fractions to fortify them. It is all about control to them. I think it was in a "watching the world" article.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Blood is in so many differant foods. My wife the other day said "i never realized that red stuff on the meat in the store was blood". Yep folks, the WTS has really confused the heck out of their members on this one. Do JWs have to be vegans? Of course not, but in order to really hold to the blood doctrine, they would have to be. Men come up with the darndest rules.

  • Poztate
    My wife the other day said "i never realized that red stuff on the meat in the store was blood".

    They like to say it is meat juices and all the real blood has been drained.

    If you tried to make a stock or soup out of a whole bunch of "meat juices" they would probably whine about it being blood then.

  • dvw

    all ice cream can have a certain amount of blood in it. it passes through the udder with the milk. that goes for people as well as cows. from now on all witness babies will only get formula.

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