by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    rEADING about the elder with a porn problem.

    Anyone know of any elders with other problems?

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    My husbands father had a stroke this weekend on the way to the Assembly. When my husband called one of the elders for info on his father and to which hospital he was taken ....The elder used it as an opportunity to hold an inquisition about my husbands feelings for Jehovah and his loving org.

    No info was given on hubby's father and he had to call another JW.

    So I believe a lack of manners and feelings could be a problem with some JW elders.

    I personally knew one elder who had claimed bankruptcy 2 times and defrauded a bunch of people. He's still in good standing even though he's obviously dishonest.

    Best Regards,


  • deedles

    In Gainsborough UK, at least two elders were d/f for embezzelment and in New Plymouth NZ, the Waitara congregation had nearly the whole maori contigency of elders removed for INCEST!!!

    I was brought before a judicial commitee, not with the usual 3 elders, but 2 whole body of elders from 2 congregations, totalling 8 in all. And my 'crime' for which I warrented such attention...Because I threatened to go to court because my then JW husband had beaten my 2yr old so severely that he had caused internal bleeding and I also threatened to expose his dossier of porno/beastiality, that I was accused of, by the afore mentioned elders, as planting on the computer!! I was told that you cant take your 'brother' to court, and that I had no grounds for scriptural divorce, and that if I didnt do it 'their way', I was never to darken their door again.

    Retford, Notts...fraud & stealing was covered up & the victim was asked not to go to the police as the situation locally was 'sensitive' as a JW child abuse case was being investigated in a neighboring congregation.

    Problem Elders....they ARE the problem.


    I found out after the fact (he had moved already) about another elder who on my body who had a porn/masturbation problem. The CO knew about it and chose, for whatever reason, to cover it up.

    Let see.....another elder who paid his employees off the books and never paid any workers comp for them, in the U.S. this is illegal and not owing the govt its due.

    I cant think of anymore specifics now but there are more, there are charlatains in all groups of people, the elders are no different.

  • TooOpinionated


    I'm speechless over your situation.

  • Highlander

    it had to do with implants and sub messages.

    it won't be long and they'll have to use implants in order to retain any membership in this cult

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