Could the reason why the WTBS leave out Jesus in the watchtower study articles is maybe they think they have replaced him in WORD? or since they are the "spokesman" that Jehovah has by passed him for them? Does that make sense?
Jesus replaced by the WTBS?
by architect 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
there was a review of a watchtower lesson from may of this year , here on jwd.
in it a scripture where most translations use the words " ambassador for Christ" is translated in the NWT a " substitute for christ"
i'll try to find the link and post it for you.
there you go. see if that touches some of the issues your talking about.
Star Moore
To me, that's the main 'sin' of the WT. Pretending to be being our mediator.. Dream on, WT.......You could never take the place of our Lord...
Could the reason why the WTBS leave out Jesus in the watchtower study articles is maybe they think they have replaced him in WORD? or since they are the "spokesman" that Jehovah has by passed him for them? Does that make sense?
If you trace the history of the organization, you certainly don't see C.T. Russell's original purpose being to usurp Christ's position. Besides being pretty quirky, to me he appeared to be a genuine person, accepting of others...
"We are in fellowship with all Christians in whom we can recognize the spirit of Christ, and especially those who recognize the Bible as the only standard." (WT 1882, Q&A)
But unquestionably the organization became a replacement for Christ in the minds of followers. I posted this in another, recent thread.“Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” [Acts 4:24, NWT] “Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6, NWT] “…survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah's universal organization.” [Watchtower, May 15, 2006]
Ask any JW if the organization has replaced Jesus, and they will right away deny it. They will claim that Jesus is the Saviour of humankind and that they are endeavoring to walk in His footsteps as Christian Witnesses of Jehovah. But take a look at their lives, and you will see that it is the Watchtower Society--not Jesus--to which they are bound. The way this group evolved--and so many other things I've noticed in my life--provides, I think, a strong case for a more libertarian view of authority. It always reminds me of the scripture attributed to King Solomon: " has dominated man to his injury." Anytime humans come to be in charge of other humans, things can very easily slide down a very weird path. Keep the right to personal freedoms strong, and limit the power of ruling authority as much as reasonably possible. What is "reasonably possible?" Aye, there's the rub. -
There is quite an extensive article on this at
The following quote by Lifton shows it is not just the WTS but cults in general that have the leaders assume the role of Christ.
“Mystical manipulation can take on a special quality in these cults because the leaders become mediators for God . The God-centered principles can be put forcibly and claimed exclusively, so that the cult and its beliefs become the only true path to salvation.” Combating Cult Mind Control p.202 (Steven Hassan Park Street Press 1990; summarising Robert Lifton)
Here are some quotes that show how important the WTS feels they are for our salvation.
Watchtower 2002 February 1 p. 23 “All of this should impress upon the minds of the other sheep why the Christian Greek Scriptures focus so much attention on Christ and his anointed brothers and their central role in the outworking of Jehovah’s purposes. The other sheep therefore consider it a privilege to support in every way possible the anointed slave class while awaiting “the revealing of the sons of God” at Armageddon and during the Millennium. They can look forward to being “set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.”—Romans 8:19-21.”
Survival into a New Earth p.96 “But that does not necessarily mean that they are marked for survival. They must be marked by the ‘man with the secretary’s inkhorn.’ The facts show that “the faithful and discreet slave” class is doing that marking work today.—Matthew 24:45-47. 15 All who want to be marked as having God’s approval must accept the instruction that Jehovah is providing through that “slave” class and become true worshipers of Jehovah.”
Survival into a New Earth p. 65 “With Christ they make up the agency by means of which blessings will be extended to all other obedient ones among mankind. Appreciation of this is a key to understanding the Bible.”
Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2 p.363 Mediator “Being made kings and priests by reason of the new covenant that he mediated, they will share in administering the blessings of Jesus’ sacrifice and of his Kingdom rule to all the nations of the earth. Christ’s mediatorship, having accomplished its purpose by bringing “the Israel of God” into this position, thus results in benefits and blessings to all mankind.”