So, I was at the library a few weeks ago and picked up a book from the free table and it's by this guy Wimberly. It's from 1916 and he was some sort of preacher. I picked it up because it's so interesting how reading it is like reading old WT's and Golden Ages. It's full of the same rhetoric from the times of Russell.
I've tried to find some info. on this guy but have only been able to find this book for sale at different places. It's worth about $50. so I'm glad I picked it up! :)
Anyhow, anyone ever heard of him???
This may be one for Blondie or Leolaia.....
by freedomlover 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
BlackSwan of Memphis
Don't know if this is what you are looking for, but a google search for Pastor C F WImberly gave me a few results.
This link tells you that he was a pastor at a Methodist Church in Missouri.
I also found this don't know if this is the piece of work you already have, but maybe it has more insight.
Other then that, nope, never heard of the guy.
Whjle the WTS likes to think they were different back then, the language, doctrines are very similar. Remember that many religions were thinking that the rapture, end, etc., was near based on some of the same chronology Russell used.
BSOM googles are basically what I found.
Books possibly by him as well
The Cry in the Night
Is the Devil a Myth
New Clothes for an Old Man
The Making of a Preacher
Vulture's Claw
Fulfilled Prophecy
The Millerites: Armageddon (History Channel) must see 4 min clip on how all those guys were cut from the same cloth
Wimberly, C. F. (Charles Franklin), 1866-1946
There are some of his works online.
"Falling from Grace"
"Is the Devil a Myth?"
"A Symposium on Prayer", containing C.F. Wimberly's "The Master in Prayer"
thanks for the info.
It was amazing to me how similar this guy writes like Russell.