An addition to the evolving letter to my mother...

by Confession 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confession

    I remember your talking to me about idols when I was a little boy; about the importance of not involving “things” in one’s worship. I even recall your remarking how some people will say, “I’m not worshipping the object itself. It’s just something I like to use; something through which I pray to Him.” You made clear that Jehovah did not tolerate such “things.”

    When Jesus compared Himself to Moses’ copper serpent, what was His point? That we had to keep looking at Him (Jesus,) right? When He says, “No one comes to the Father except through me,” who is “me?” The scriptures go to great lengths to emphasize the importance of fixating on Christ and the folly of putting your trust in men.

    Now to me it is a very trivial matter that I should be examined by YOU or by a human tribunal.” [1 Cor. 4:3, NWT]

    “Do not put YOUR trust in nobles,
    Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.” [Psalm 146:3, NWT]

    “Not that we are the masters over YOUR faith, but we are fellow workers for YOUR joy, for it is by [ YOUR ] faith that YOU are standing.” [2 Cor. 1:24, NWT]

    But it’s okay. You’re not really putting your faith in the men at the Watchtower Society. You’re just putting your faith in Christ through them, aren’t you? Does this remind you of the aforementioned warning about idolatry you yourself gave to me? Don’t think this applies to you? Then ask yourself: Is it possible for you to successfully put your faith in Jesus without having anything to do with the Watchtower Society? If you answer “no” how can you not recognize this relationship with the organization as being idolatrous?

    They are not simply “fellow workers for your joy.” Regardless of what C.T. Russell originally intended, they have become a centralized religious authority structure that demands “loyalty” to them, threatens disloyalty to them, and teaches that there is no faith in God apart from faith in them. When Jesus warned to watch out for the “leaven” of the Pharisees, why do you think He used that word? Isn’t it because, despite the best of intentions, human authority structures breed corruption just like a growing yeast? Jesus saved his greatest denunciation for religious leaders, and told us instead to put our faith in Him.

  • collegegirl21

    Do you mind if I use these points to bring out to my parents? I think this will really hit home with them. I have to show them proof and for it to come right out of the bible... I think that might shut them up for a while. But I think that how you worded it is great!

  • Confession

    Certainly, CollegeGirl. In fact, if you like what you read above, you might like to read the entire letter (at least as it stands now. As I said, it keeps evolving.) It's pretty long, but contains the same type of information as you find above.



  • ronin1

    Hi Confession:

    I think your argument and explanation is excellent.

    I do request that I may use your analogy with my sisters, who refuse to attend our family reunion. One sister even went so far as to accuse of of trying to shake her "faith".

    But your analogy clears shows that if you have faith directly in Jesus Christ and his promises from his father, your 'faith' cannot be shaken by attending a family reunion with others in the family who are either Disfellowshiped or Disassociated, etc.



  • Confession


    Absolutely; use anything you want. If something here may be helpful to you, use it by all means. I wish you only the best in the trying situation with your sisters and your aging mother.



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