NEW LIGHT: How it works

by Terry 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Policy changes are always "New Light"

    It kinda goes like this.

    Jehovah's spirit deals only with us and by carefully examining the scriptures we can see that 2+2=19.

    New Light: Jehovah lovingly corrects those whom he loves. 2+2=18.

    New(er) Light: Jehovah has seen fit to make his will known to us in these last days before the end of this wicked system of things. 2+2=17

    Questions from Readers: "The false religions of Christendom have taught for years that 2+2=4. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses teach otherwise?

    Answer: "The Watchtower Society has never claimed infallibility. Some have outrun Jehovah's loving provision for food at the proper time and twisted the sayings of his Faithful and Discreet Slave by falsely assuming something that was never stated as a fact! "

    In past times the Organization has commented on what "possibly could be" the sum of 2+2 and gave its opinion as to the correct amount.

    If brothers and sisters decide for themselves that these opinions are facts we cannot be held responsible!

    Consider this: the trend of Watchtower opinion from the beginning has gotten closer and closer to the correct answer over time. This indicates that the spirit of Jehovah has been with us in narrowing the possibility of error. Christendom, by having the correct answer from the very beginning, cannot claim to be guided by a loving God whose will it is to reveal his glorious truth gradually in due season.

    Satan uses wilfull people (even in the Kingdom Halls) to discredit Jehovah's righteous government any way he can. There is only one true religion being used by Christ Jesus to spread the messege of salvation and that is through his humble and submissive people who listen to his organization without spreading false rumors about what his faithful and discreet slave have said.

    It will never be through arithmetic that mankind is saved from the enemy death. It is inconsequential what 2+2=.

    The important thing is obedience to his only channel of communication. It is through this agency that the genuinely sheeplike personality is tested for a heart not hardened to instruction.

    Chistendom may teach that 2+2=4 but, the sayings of everylasting life are in the pages of the Watchtower.

    Turn away from anyone calling themselves "brother" who tries to lure you away from the truth with Apostate teachings that damage your trust in Jehovah.

    Next time somebody approaches you and asks: What does your religion teach about 2+2? You can answer with confidence: 2+2 is whatever Jehovah tells me and whatever anyone else says is from Satan!!

  • SuzieQ

    I like your description of what the new light is. I always felt strange about this topic when I was sitting at the assembly, trying to get my head around the double talk! I would defend it to the last breath at the door while out in service, but then have serious doubts LATER about why I was defending something that sounds so double sided and wacky. Such as "yes, JW's used to celebrate Christmas, but not now, because there was new light!"; "yes, JW's used to celebrate birthdays but not now because of new light."; "1975? Oh that was a misunderstanding...." and etc. etc. Did anyone else just get tierd of always defending these teachings and others also.....? I envied other people who did not have to waste energy defending themselves, their beliefs, their way of life every single minute of their waking lives.

  • Stealth453



    I think you have it!!!

  • katiekitten

    Spot on.

    Thats a REALLY good analogy. Like it a lot.

  • greendawn

    They will twist anything to suit their purposes in the end it's not the universally accepted meanings of words that really count but the meanings that they decide to give them. They stand outside the rest of mankind.

    They may also have several meanings for a word and keep wondering between them as it suits them each time. Not an honest approach from the (self appointed?) supreme guardians of the truth.

  • Terry

    Bottom line: The Watchtower has no shame about being wrong!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    the spring rain has not come; yet you have a harlot's brow, you refuse to be ashamed

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