And to think that I was complaining....

by Kat_ 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kat_

    about not having hot water (burned out fuse), the tiny house I am currently staying in, my broken marriage, the lack of money I possess--thousands of people are dead and my complaints now seem so trivial and meaningless. Everything seems so meaningless now. I couldn't even bring myself to go online today until now--no motivation. There was nothing I could do today. I am paralyzed by the shock of this.

    This is just another reminder, among all the other acts of terror around the world, at least to me, to stop complaining about my current situation. Everything today seems so trivial in the face of this most recent, and by far one of the worst for the US, tragedy. I feel like "What's the point of doing anything?" I simply cannot function right now. I feel like life has stopped. Anyone else feel like this? I for one, am utterly miserable and feeling quite guilty about my little pity-party I've been having for myself in the past few days.


  • larc


    I don't know how old you are, but the longer you live the more tragedy you will see and experience. Now, you can choose to allow these events to tramatize you or you can come to realize how precious your life is and learn to make the most of it. The choice is up to you.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Hi Kat, my friend! I'm so glad you posted this one! I have been thinking about you, the girl with a sweet and big heart. It is OK to be shaking and do nothing, man, you are an active girl, take your time to feel the sorrow and I believe you will continue your journey. The fact you posted today, shows you care. Stay cool. I'm the mother of all of you. One that prays constantly for you. Love and blessings,

    Yadira Angelini

  • COMF

    Kat, it's natural to experience those feelings in the face of such a disaster. But you are alive; we are still alive, and it is the duty of the living to carry on. We mourn and bury our dead, and we experience our shock and loss and grief; and then we continue to live, and love, and laugh; and occasionally to remember them with soberness throughout our lives.

    There is no shame to you for dealing with the problems in your life. This event may give you some perspective with which to view them in the future; but they are still real, and of necessity must be dealt with. Don't down yourself because you are alive and others are not. This is simply how it worked out.


  • logical

    This is getting to be a bit of a habit COMF, me agreeing with you.

    Yes there is great tragedy, but, life goes on.

  • COMF

    It's good to see you with a positive attitude, logical. If you feel up to encouraging some depressed souls, jump right on in here!


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