Will Watchtower Support the Rescue Effort??

by ARoarer 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    With all there real estate and access to individuals that could voluteer, I wonder if Bethel feels moved to open it's to the many caring people that are there working ferverishly to rescue the victims in this tragedy. Would Bethel donate sandwiches for even offer water to the thristy volunteers? My son's classes have been cancelled at NYIT today and his dorm is in the heart of Bethel. He mentions the many many caring efforts of New Yorkers as they come together to help one another. People making sandwhiches donating clothing etc. Will the JW's continue thier mindless schedule of selfish apathy and disinterest in the human race as they head out the door to their "assignments" and "field service". I am glad to have rejoined the human race with all of it's uncertainties. I am glad to not be part of the mindset instilled that makes them living waiting not to die. It is in sadness I write this post. I woke up this morning and felt a heavy feeling in my stomach realizing what has been unfolding there and all the pain felt among the rescuers and victims and thier families. I always loved to go to NYC and look at the Twin Buildings WTC and sit and watch the New York Skyline from a favored NJ restaraunt during the setting sun. I loved waking up in the morning and if I were in the area see the sun shining on these magnificent peices of architecture. I will miss them in my lifetime. I am angry at the sensless distruction and the dancing in the streets over in Palistine. It seems to me the same mindset is among JW's. They are dancing in their hearts in their selfish expectations. I have read some of the comments on Bridgette's thread and it is so sad that I at one time could have been this way.
    In Sadeness and Grief,


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