"deliverance at hand!"

by freefly 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freefly

    Yesterday a.m. -a little knock at my front door, I answered to see a man at the end of my driveway who turned around saying "I just left an invite with your newspaper...have you read the front page news about the chopper crashes linked to drug scheme (more than 40 people arrested in major cross-border smuggling case)" I looked down at my newspaper and saw "Deliverance at Hand!" title of invitation...(cordially invited to attend) page tucked inside. Looked back up and he was gone. Instantly felt this was very sly, ...actually ruined my day.

    My partner is studying with JW's and when he saw the invite....watch out --here comes his "authoritarian power trip......... " The next few hours was arguing with him, yelling, him fighting to shove his so called concept down my throat..........and me fighting back with my own piece of mind. I ended up telling him if this is how he plans to witness...........WTF, I hopped in the car and left for the day- so angry I could scream. How does one have an intimate relationship for 26 yrs. and then have intimacy cut off due to one partner autoritarian with "they are in the truth" and the other partner getting hit on because they are considered "worldly"...??????? How does one continue to live with this without letting it effect them emotionally????

    "Deliverance at hand!"....what happened to the loving, caring partner in my life????


  • Highlander

    This is another fine example of how the J-dubs break apart the family structure. They preach about having strong family units but in reality they are only good at

    breaking them apart.

  • Virgochik

    It's only the beginning of what may be a difficult road. Stick around, many here have JW spouses and have shared their trials and successes.

  • Hellrider

    Leave your boyfriend. You can never marry and have kids with him anyway, the children would go thru hell.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Tell your partner that you have seen a lot of very disturbing evidence that the JW's are a dangerous cult. Tell him you know that they have probably already planted an idea in his head that "Satan will oppose his studying", but that because you love him you would like him to read some critical studies by people who know a lot more about the cult than he does. Remind him again that you love him and that you want him to keep this conversation private between the two of you, be sure to obtain a promise on this point. Then buy Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz and read it together.

    You may succed in saving him from the most dangerous cult on earth.

    Best wishes,

    Mr Ben

  • freefly

    thanx all,

    I been viewing so much at this website which has been very helpful-

    also been reading any books I can get my hands on...just finished Captives of a Concept, seems like any time in my life where crisis is at hand...seeking all information...aquiring knowledge, education ...helps.

    Getting angry....emotional....is not working. I do not understand how you can feel so close to someone and not know them at all when it comes to them being on the defensive every second over thier belief system...very scary to realize that that person can become someone you despise...and have no respect for. Most of all is the dishonesty in how my partner (so called "in the truth") has been in his actions, along with the fact that he has become totaly authoritarian....control freak--100% since he started bible studies with the JW's and started believing he was "in the truth."

    I would like to think he is just "not well" or mentally "sick"..........but guess what? that is just me hoping...

    He used to be so reasonable.............now he has no concept of reason.

    Freefly ;o)

  • Poztate
    He used to be so reasonable.............now he has no concept of reason.

    Freefly...It sounds to me like you have a relationship with someone who was raised a DUB and know wants to return (because the world is ending) The only way you can convince him otherwise is if you can show him the facts here...Good Luck...Hard to do.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    It is important that you clarify if he is a baptised JW or not. Does he have other family with or a history with the Borg? My post above only applies if he is not baptised.

    As for his change of character, this is expected. In BorgTalk, he is "putting on the new personality...", actually, his true pre-cult personality is being submerged by the new cult personality, but the real "him" will still be in there, trapped.

    Can you give us any examples of how his behavoir has changed? We might be able to offer useful suggestions (or not). But if he is not baptised, my original post is worth a try, unless he is already soooooooo committed that he would view you as an enemy for doing so. Difficult.

    Best wishes.

    Mr Ben

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