Yesterday a.m. -a little knock at my front door, I answered to see a man at the end of my driveway who turned around saying "I just left an invite with your newspaper...have you read the front page news about the chopper crashes linked to drug scheme (more than 40 people arrested in major cross-border smuggling case)" I looked down at my newspaper and saw "Deliverance at Hand!" title of invitation...(cordially invited to attend) page tucked inside. Looked back up and he was gone. Instantly felt this was very sly, ...actually ruined my day.
My partner is studying with JW's and when he saw the out --here comes his "authoritarian power trip......... " The next few hours was arguing with him, yelling, him fighting to shove his so called concept down my throat..........and me fighting back with my own piece of mind. I ended up telling him if this is how he plans to witness...........WTF, I hopped in the car and left for the day- so angry I could scream. How does one have an intimate relationship for 26 yrs. and then have intimacy cut off due to one partner autoritarian with "they are in the truth" and the other partner getting hit on because they are considered "worldly"...??????? How does one continue to live with this without letting it effect them emotionally????
"Deliverance at hand!"....what happened to the loving, caring partner in my life????