Is the Kingdom Ministry School textbook online?

by VM44 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    Does anyone know if the latest Kingdom Ministry School textbook is online somewhere? --VM44

  • VM44

    Practically everything else that the Watchtower has published is already online!


  • merfi

    Do you mean the BE book (the maroon one whose title escapes me)? If you need a certain page of that, I can send it to you.


  • VM44

    Hi merfi,

    I am not sure if that is the book, as I have never seen a copy of it in person.

    I was wondering what was on page 97, paragraphs 4-7 as this section is referenced in the June 7, 2006 "TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS" letter that has been put online.

    The paragraph in the letter that mentions that section of the book is:

    Does he still qualify to serve?: If an appointed servant inadvertently comes across a pornographic image while on the Internet, or in some other way, and he reports this to an elder, such matters can generally be handled according to the direction in the Kingdom Ministry School textbook, page 97, paragraphs 4-7..There is no need to evaluate his qualifications.

    What I want to know is this: If a servant inadvertently comes upon something bad while on the internet, why does he have to make an "incident report" about it to the elders?

    Why can't he just click the back button to get away from the offending image and then continue with what he was doing? For what purpose does it serve to bring in the elders for such a happening?

    The only thing I can think of now is that they are afraid an innocent mistake of coming upon something bad could lead to problems latter on. So they are making servants report EVERY incident that might occur to the elders.

    It has to be a Zero-Tolerance policy designed to stop a problem from ever developing.


  • VM44


    Thank you for your offer to provide pages, but I think I have figured out the purpose of what the BOE letter said.


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