Has anybody scanned this book and made it available online yet? I got my copy this past weekend and can scan it today while i am at work if it hasn't been put out there yet. Let me know.
Live With Jehovah's Day in Mind
by drew sagan 9 Replies latest jw friends
I have not seen it yet, although it could be out there somewhere. I'd be appreciative if you were to spend some time and get it scanned and posted.
..truth.ceeker.. -
drew sagan
I'm scanning it in as we speak. It will be up by this afternoon.
Thank You Mr. Sagan
Looking forward to this! Thanks!
I can't wait for some delightful correct words of truth from the mouth of Gawd's prophet in Brooklyn.
This book is so full of BS you can smell it!!!!!!1
I've never read such inane drivel! Go ahead and scan it Drew! I tried to scan a few bits but I think Jehovah may have attempted to put a stopper on that. He's probably pretty embarrassed at this book having his name on it!!
One of the craziest things about it, is that as I read it, I thought they were aiming at an audiance of five year olds, of and on!
In the 'divorce' section it says that it used to be very difficult to get a divorce and yet now it is so easy. Then in the next paragraphbewails divorce being rampant among the Jews in the fifth century.
In the 'business dealings section', it advices people to treat their employees fairy and kindly, and then, we hear what they have done to 1500-2000 bethelites in Brooklyn.
In the 'worldy friends' section it bewails how worldly people are back stabbing and bad. Then we see how the 'higher ups' in the bOrg treat the R and F.
There's plenty in this book to get any reasonable JW thinking and probably walking if not running from the bOrg.
It's full of manure!!
Sounds like I need a glass of Bailey's to drink while reading this Dubby publication..
Too right, Lily bird!
I was not far off throwing a hissy fit as soon as I started reading it. I've never underlined a JW book so frantically and fiercly.
Total manure, as I said before!
drew sagan
Just got it all set up. Official download post is here:
Link to post