Do you think she is trying to butt into my medical decisions?

by Bstndance 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bstndance

    So my July 4th was not spectacular at all. After a nice lunch with a friend I started to have stomach cramps. By 5 in the afternoon it was so painful I could barely walk and I started to feel faint. I called the advice nurse at my HMO and she told me to get to the emergency room right away. It was thought to be my appendix but after two surgical consults and other tests they determined it was just inflammation. I was discharged at 4am. I called my mom just to let her know. Well just now she called and said, "if you were to have surgery, how am I supposed to know. do they know to call me?" I'm said, "You're not on my immediate emergency contact because you live almost 3,000 miles from me; and for something as routine as an appendectomy (spelling?) they wouldn't call." I was thinking maybe she was trying to bring up the blood issue. She was a little aggressive in her voice. I was waiting for her to "bring it on". HAHA

  • Scully
    You're not on my immediate emergency contact because you live almost 3,000 miles from me

    This is a good enough reason to not have her on your emergency contact list. I'd leave it at that for the time being, unless she gets insistent on being involved in your medical care. If that does happen, ask her if she would respect your wishes to receive a blood transfusion. If she can't agree to support YOUR wishes in YOUR medical care, then at that point, you could tell her that you would rather have someone else be responsible for honouring YOUR advance medical directive, someone who is not going to impose their wishes on you when you are unconscious.

    Then put it in writing as part of your Health Care Power of Attorney.

  • LDH

    Thankfully it was nothing serious! Glad you are better.

  • parakeet

    I very deliberately have included only nonJW names on my emergency contact list. There is no way on this green earth I would let a JW have any say in my medical treatment.

  • Bstndance

    Thanks everyone! I'm going to call my HMO today to check on who is on my contact list and how I can go about filing an advance medical directive.

    I'm sure part of my mom's concern is just part of being a mother, but her religion gets in the way.

  • serendipity
    I'm sure part of my mom's concern is just part of being a mother,

    Hi, bstndance, I'm glad you've come to this realization. You'll see how it is if/when you have kids. Parents don't stop worrying, even if their offspring reaches the advanced age of 25.

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