Since finding this forum. I have so far last two days work. The shear volume of responses I have had from my initial posting and the emails, some of which made me shed tears, coupled with some incredibly stimulating conversation on line I have had with dubs (I love that word) have left me with a back log of things to do. But hey who cares!
I have been asked why now Paul? Why after 18 years since you DA’d have you decided to actually taken the step to actively pursue ex witnesses? I realised during one of my conversations with a newfound friend that I only ever walked away from the organisation. I have never tried to actually understand the belief system I was born into from a pragmatic stance. Anyone who has grown up in the “truth” will understand the notion that it is either the organisation or Satan and that you never learn about the origins of the organisation to the point of being bale to make an informed decision.
This is the first time I have started to actually walk away from my belief system, even though for years it has been very much in a denial capacity. i.e. if somehow I can rinse the truth from my thoughts and lose the debilitating guilt that often holds me back to this day. What then? So what if there is the real possibility that the JW’s are wrong? How do I make sense of what I see around me? Is Armageddon on the horizon? I don’t know. What I do know is I want to now look at all the facts and not just the polished version I was spoon-fed.
Out of the mouths of babes is all well and good, but I want to some grown up spiritual food now.
Paul - London and coming in from the cold