Very very interesting movie about the kind of american terrorist groups opposed to the government..those who have beleifs similair to Timothy McVeighs. If we find out it was Americans behind this, then what? In this film Tim Robbins plays the leader of a secret american terorist group that has its base in suburban america, always moving, and always managing to lay the blame on someone else.
Under Seige
Starring Bruce Willis..after a series of bombings in New York city, the entire city is put under martial law, the military moves in and takes control of the city. Extreme prejudice against arab americans ensues..eerily similair.
Also check this out:
This is the album cover of a rapper who released this BEFORE the bombing happened..he will probably sell very few records
ABCNEWS has learned that officials have identified all the hijackers, and estimated there were three to five for each of the four passenger planes involved. At least two of the hijackers were on the Immigration and Naturalization Service "watch list," and it's still unclear whether the individuals entered the United States illegally or whether they entered before their names were placed on the list. Most if not all of the hijackers were Egyptian or Saudi nationals, sources said.
At least one person has been detained for questioning in connection to Tuesday's attacks, sources said. In Boston this afternoon, heavily-armed FBI teams surrounded the Westin Hotel, but it was unclear what brought them there.
In Washington, State Department officials said they have intelligence information that connects