How many x-jw's have lost custody of their children?

by xJ-HO 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • xJ-HO

    I am new to this site, and have spent the past few hours reading many posts with great interest. I live in Australia, and left the "truth" and my husband for good at the end of 2004. We have two young children together. 3 years prior, I began studying at university and gained full-time employment. During this time I just "got over it", and really started to explore new ideas/perspectives and began to find the real me. However leaving was not easy. My husband (now x) and his mother, convinced me that I was "sinful", and that I could not really offer the children a "future" (in paradise of course). He actually would say to me repeatedly "you know this is right"...."you know that I am the better parent".... Emotionally it was the most difficult time in my life, and the most confusing. While I knew I wanted out big time, there was still that part of me that believed them (I am a bad, wicked person. They are more "spiritual". I am doing a very bad thing by leaving,, etc). I am so embarrassed to admit this now, but after years of emotional indoctrination I was in a very vulnerable position. My husband took the children and moved in with his mother. I was emotionally beat, weighed 42kg and was still working big hours to keep the house running on my own. Thankfully for me, my mother who had left the jw religion a couple of years earlier gave me a lot of support and was horrified that the kids were gone. To cut a long story short, we went to court and my ex got full custody of one of our children, while I got full custody of the other.

    To look back at this time now just makes me sick. I came so close to losing both of my children because of my vulnerable mental state, and my actual belief at the time that I was "bad." I am so grateful for not losing both of my children, but do carry immense guilt for not having full custody of them both. Now that I am emotionally and mentally free of the religion and its scare tactics, I can't believe that I felt and believed all of that crap; to the point of nearly losing my children. Since this time I have heard of cases very similar to mine (worse actually).

    One woman also decided to leave her husband, but unfortunately for her, all of her family and his were dubs. She went through the same emotional turmoil, and her husband ended up with full custody of all three of their children. Her ex husband and family also played on the fact that she was still emotionally vulnerable and capitalized on all of the usual dub self righteous talk and scare tactics. Now that she has also had time and distance from the jw's, she is grieving for the loss of her children, and feels unbearable guilt.

    I also know of another "brother" who gained full custody of his son after the wife decided to leave jws. He even put his son on the platform at an assembly to boast how he ignores his mother's (and satan's of course) desperate attempts to keep him from attending the meetings. Apparently she bought him a new motor bike and wanted to spend time with him on the weekends, but this was twisted to sound like this evil mother was trying to lure him away from the organisation. Of course everyone sat in their seats and mindlessly clapped at the end of his presentation at the assembly......... makes me so mad now.

    Anyway, all of this has made me wonder how many others this has happened to? It seems incomprehensible to me now that I could actually let those people keep me apart from my children; but it happened. It is only now that I can see that my emotional state was a manifestation of years of indoctrination and mind control.

  • candidlynuts

    hi xj

    it happened to me too. being told i was evil was a big part of it, being told by my ex that if i even tried to get custody i'd end up dead, was part of it and not being able to come up with 500 bux for a lawyer was also a big part of it. i left a 18 yr marriage with nothing but a couple trash bags full of clothes. i left 4 kids, a business, a house, 5 cars and truly believed that i wasnt worthy of having ANYTHING because i was not an active jw and was never going to be active again. i wouldnt sign HIS divorce papers till he agreed to me having joint custody and me retaining all parental rights and free open visitation. for him to agree to my free access to the kids i had to sign off on all of the assets.

    that was 5 yrs ago..i've done a lot of growing since then and if the situation was to repeat itself i'd be better prepared and it'd be different. i STILL cant believe how i could believe i was EVIL because i couldnt stay married to a butthead! time really gives us a different perspective.

  • TheListener

    Your posts frighten me, yet they give me hope as well. I'm not going through a divorce, but living in a religiously divided household has its perils.

    I'm glad to see that both of you are overcoming the WTS guilt ridden ride of life.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Hang around on the internet and checkout all the other JW sites, you'll find many sad stories like yours. There's not much you can do when a whole organisation is against you, at least its nice to see you've pick yourself up and seen the truth about the WTS and lost the guilt that they put on you, all you can do now is wait, take a bit of comfort knowing that you are just one of many victims not just of the WTS but of ALL these false religions that distroy people's lives, not just nowadays but threw out histroy, God Jehovah will distroy all the false religions that have cause misery and bloodshed, and the WTS is one of them.

  • serendipity

    HI xj and welcome!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I lost mine for a year.

    When I first left my plan was suicide. I had talked to a few JWs that I respected and asked them to watch over my girls if something happened to me. Their father was busy manipulating and bribing them so they opted to live with him and I was in no shape to fight that.

    After less than a year the girls wanted to live with me. They even went so far as to get their own lawyer to have the custody changed. When their father discovered this he gave up th efight and the girls moved in with me.

    The WTS does such a huge job of making those who question or considering leaving that many feel life is impossible. They can't live within the WT walls and they believe outside the walls is certain death

    This lie is hugely responsible for many deaths and family conflict. JWs learn you can't just walk away.

    I wonder how many in the past give up instead of learning that a life outside the WTS is possible and even happy

  • juni

    Welcome xj!

    These stories are so sad. My son is going through a divorce and the children were automatically given to mom even though she has severe mental problems and alienates the kids from him. It's a "fight" for him to see the kids every other weekend. He has so far spent close to $50,000 on his lawyer's bill. Final divorce is middle of August. He will have to go bankrupt as she didn't pay the bills w/the money he sent her. It's a long story.

    Is it different in the US? Moms almost always get custody and when in contempt of court orders they get a slap on the hand.

    I feel for you xj and Candi as I've lived my son's and grandchildrens' pain for the past almost 3 years.

    I wish you both peace.


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