I visited a wild National Park last week, full of animals. Went on a boat tour of the lagoon where we saw the majestic Sea Eagle, a beautiful bird, sitting right near its huge nest up high in a tree. The guide explained how the Sea Eagles always have 2 eggs, but as the chicks mature one of the chicks becomes dominant and starts hogging all the food, then it starts fighting with the weaker one and eventually kills it or pushes it out of the nest. Only one chick survives from the 2 eggs laid each year, in very rare cases both chicks survive.
What a wondrous example of Jehovahs loving kindness! Create the eagle to have 2 babies, then program one baby to dominate and kill the weaker baby. All the while while the "Mother" bird watches and does nothing to prevent this fratricide.
Elders! Are you following this example? Always make sure to have 2 brothers reach out for responsilbilty, then set things up so that one brother is able to dominate the other brother to kill him spiritually. This way only the strongest brothers will progress to Elder Status, and the weak brothers will be left behind, just as Jehovah designed it. And be assured that "Mother" the wonderful organisation, will simply look on and allow the stong brothers to dominate in this way.
What a wonderful example of Jehovahs loving kindness!