Hi guys, I was coming back from a weekend in Melbourne this afternoon & I ran into a friend from uni who was on the same flight. We were getting on to a flight & a friend of my friends was coming off a flight. She began to tell us that she had flown in for the funeral of her young nephew. We got to talking about it for a while and how terrible sad the whole situation was. The aunty then began to tell us that she's one of 10 children and that they're a close family, all bar this one brother of hers, who is the father of this young guy of 24 who had committed suicide at the weekend. She then began to tell us that the reason for this, the fact that they're not close with this brother, is because they're a family of JW's and have been for over 20years!! This of course completely rocked my socks off, and I must've gone white as a ghost with that bit of information. From that point I could only say that, from that it all made sense. And we spoke about it for a little longer, but the aunty seemed to be a little vague on the details surrounding this poor guys situation, which is of course how it usually is with JW families.
Anyway, it really floored me, and brings back home all the similar tragic stories that I've heard in my time relating to young JW people. I can only just imagine what sort of personal hell that this guy must've been going through. It just leaves you with a terrible sense of sadness really, at how isolated this young guy must've been through his troubles :(
I don't suppose any Aussies here might've known or known of this guy then? May he rest in peace x