Several months ago I requested my personal files from the WTS
- they refused
- I took it to the Office of the Privacy Commission, who sent them a letter requesting the WTS send me my information
- the Watchtower Society refused again saying that they are not covered by the Australian Privacy Act 1988
- the Privacy Commission was going to close the case, but I convinced them not to take the WTS at their word, so they sent a letter requesting more information
- The WTS wrote back that they are not covered, on the technicality that their $16 million Australian income comes from donations not turnover
I just spoke to the Privacy Commission today and they do not agree with the WTS's argument. They are requesting more information from the Australian Bethel, and are prepared to put money into legal advice to examine any further argumentation that the Watchtower provides.
Slowly, slowly, but let's hope it gets somewhere.