How much wisdom does it take to destroy your opposers and rebels?

by The Dragon 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Been wondering this......

    Does having the power to punish and destroy people make you "right"?

    Or can you prove it and make your opponets your friends by doing so?

    Has anyone ever tried to pretend they are satan...and try to find out just what he did wrong..and why?

    Jesus told us to love and defend our enemies right? Would He get mad if we went a step further and tried to defend, understand, and protect His enemy as well?

    I mean if He told us to love our enemies..yet He didn't love and forgive His....would that make Him a hypocrite?

    Or a Jehovah's Witness?

    Before you attempt to say he cannot or will not....think about this as well...can a human being tell God what He can or cannot do..or will or will not do?

  • Jeffro
    Has anyone ever tried to pretend they are satan...and try to find out just what he did wrong..and why?

    Isn't that taking 'Devil's advocate' just a little too far?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Well I guess that would be subjective. what is your definition of "too far"?

  • BluesBrother

    The tone of your original thread question is one that I can identify with. Certainly, God has the power to obliterate his enemies. What is the name that we give to Governments that destroys all opposers and silences any questioners or critics?

    can a human being tell God what He can or cannot do..or will or will not do?

    No, but just what kind of a God is he. If he is one that demands only abject devotion, despite creating man with freedom of thought and an intellect to reason, I do not feel drawn to him. Our father is depicted as a god of love, any such god would surely not act in the manner that the Watchtower predicts . My god would not do it , I trust him on that .

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Me too.

    I have a funny feeling the FDS is worshipping a figment of their imaginations and trying to convince others to do the same.

  • Jeffro
    Well I guess that would be subjective. what is your definition of "too far"?

    It was a throwaway line. I have no opinion.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    What is a throwaway line?

    I am being serious too. I have never heard that term before.

  • serendipity

    Hi Dragon and welcome!

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Why thank you!

    Glad to be here!

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