My Thanks

by Grunt 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    I just wanted to say my personal thanks as an American citizen to all of you whose governments have been so supporive and who are stepping up as friends during this difficult time. I particularly thank England for her solid support even in small things like this. It means a lot to me that others should care and share our pain.

    "In an unprecedented move the US National Anthem will be played during a special changing of the guard ceremony to be held at Buckingham Palace at 1130BST on Thursday."

    I sincerely hope the criminals and their real supporters can be apprehended without great loss of life to anyone. Too many lives have already been lost.

  • Farkel


    I would shoot them all in the head and really mess them up, but I can't. I have several problems here. I don't actually own a gun and even if I had a gun, I don't have any bullets. Bullets cost money and I don't have any. I don't steal stuff, either. Furthermore, I don't belive in shooting people with a gun which has real bullets.

    I'm not one of your better assassains, I guess. If they were picking a REAL assassain, I don't think I would get past the first cut, and I DO think that I would have a BIG boot-print on my butt. As I landed on my head out the front door. Rather un-cerimoniously, I think.

    Besides that, I never can find those stupid bullets for that gun I don't have.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • ladonna

    That was a lovely post to read. I hope you realise that all of us around the world are really feeling this along with you.

    Fark: You are a always give me a laugh even if I feel sad........hey.......where is my Pavanne?????


  • Grunt

    Hi Farkel,
    Well, I do have a gun, love to shoot it and do have lots of ammunition, but hope I never have to shoot anything but snakes and varmints. Farkel, you keep talking about being broke, and I just don't understand how a smart guy like you could be. Still, if you are remember that its cheaper to live in Alabama than probably anywhere else except some Latin American country and the living is good! You'd have to cut back on cussing people to their faces as almost everybody down here is pretty polite and real well armed. Still, I got a little peice of paradise on the edge of a game reserve where you could put in a garden and live a good life. If that doesn't appeal and you find yourself in Florida, I am good for a few good meals and I have a spare room. I really hope it is all a joke about the hard times, if not I would be glad to front you a little grocery money. I hope I don't offend you saying that. You take care and don't waste your talents on assasination except for the vitriolic assaination of the character of the phoneys in the Tower. I am so aggavated with the terroists right now I just really can't even think about the Witnesses. I wish you well.

    Ladonna, thank you again. If you and yours are ever in Florida, the same thing I said to Farkel applies, I would be happy to grill you some ribs!

  • Farkel

    Grunt (heh, heh, FUNNY name!),

    : Farkel, you keep talking about being broke, and I just don't understand how a smart guy like you could be.

    The most expensive painting ever sold on this planet was a Van Gogh, a man who never could sell a single painting while was alive. Does it therefore surprise you that some smart people are not recognized, celebrated and acknowledged by others? I've properly answered virtually every question thrusted before me on interviews and that was probably a fatal mistake. Some people are just not used to that: I did my homework and knew the questions and had the proper answers. When I was asked to name 10 of my best points and 10 of my worst points, I handed two sheets over to the interviewers which addressed each question. The interviewers were stunned. I quietely gloated. I'm too smart for my own good, and that is a double-edged sword; a cross I bear.

    : Still, if you are remember that its cheaper to live in Alabama than probably anywhere else except some Latin American country and the living is good!

    How about Kenya, Grunt? Kenya, simply HAS to be a cheap place to live!

    : You'd have to cut back on cussing people to their faces as almost everybody down here is pretty polite and real well armed.

    So, they SHOOT California boys for cussing? Dang!

    : Still, I got a little peice of paradise on the edge of a game reserve where you could put in a garden and live a good life. If that doesn't appeal and you find yourself in Florida, I am good for a few good meals and I have a spare room.

    You are so nice and generous, "Grunt," and I'm touched by your offer. Thank you.

    : I really hope it is all a joke about the hard times, if not I would be glad to front you a little grocery money.

    It's no joke. But I'm not going to use this forum to try to pimp people. Grunt: I raised FOUR children and fed and clothed and housed them and their mother who didn't have to work while they were growing up. I bought several houses and worked my butt off to pay the mortgages and raise and feed my kids and their mother. I've always worked and I love to work and that is that about that.

    : I hope I don't offend you saying that. You take care and don't waste your talents on assasination except for the vitriolic assaination of the character of the phoneys in the Tower. I am so
    aggavated with the terroists right now I just really can't even think about the Witnesses. I wish you well.

    How silly! I'm a pacifist! My weapons are my WORDS! Sometimes my words are impotent and sometimes they are powerful. But always and forevermore, they are my words and I will speak until I can no longer speak.

    And to help keep this insane man sane, I play the piano for hours upon hours. It is my therapy.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

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