Watch Your Words

by lisaBObeesa 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisaBObeesa

    It makes me sick when my Grandfather calls people "dirty Japs." People tell me it isn't his fault...he went through the war and is a victim of propaganda. It is so sad when people actually believe that a whole group of people is BAD. People with these false, ignorant views are very dangerous. Now that hate is a part of my Grandfather, a part of his soul….

    Do you think it is no big deal to post about ‘diaper heads’? Do you think your words are harmless? Do you see the path you are going down? Do you even care? This is hate. Hate makes a person capable of murder. Hate is what drove this mad man to do what he did.

    Innocent people are being mistreated and abused on our streets right now because of this kind of attitude. Innocent Americans are being threatened in their homes and places or worship. Because people are ‘just saying it’ and the hate is growing. Anyone with a turban is suspect. It is disgusting and ignorant and an embarrassment to AMERICA.

    I am ashamed that an AMERICAN would post inflammatory hate speech and stereotypes on the internet. I am saddened that this is so widespread, that I have read so many posts like this today.

    And kids on the street are picking it up. Our kids are watching us. Our kids will do what we do. Our kids will believe what we say. I am seeing it in my classes. I had a kid today say ‘we should go over there and shoot anyone with a dot on their head.’ He has no idea what the heck he is talking about. Total ignorance and fear.

    The world is watching us. The terrorists hiding away are watching us.

    If these people have points to make it their posts, I can't hear it over the hate and prejudice and fear and racists phrases.

    We have real enemies. We don’t need to make up faceless ones. We have lots of anger, for good reason. We don’t need to make more.
    We must rise above. We must not crouch to our enemy's level.
    We must be strong. We must be thinking clearly in order to do what needs to be done. This is serious. We must be thinking clearly to learn from the mistakes of the past, and to protect our future.


    Food for thought:

    for they become your words

    for they become your actions

    for they become your habits

    for they become your character

    for it becomes your destiny

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Thanks, as you know where we live there are a good number of Arabs.

    We need to get beyond our hate it not justified.

    How long have you LIVED
    and how long has God LIVED?

    Who is like God?

  • Billygoat

    Amen Sister! Thanks for an awesome post!

    It makes me sick when my Grandfather calls people "dirty Japs." People tell me it isn't his fault...he went through the war and is a victim of propaganda. It is so sad when people actually believe that a whole group of people is BAD.

    Even though I'm a generation or two removed from the generation of WWII, it's still hurtful when people make "Jap" comments to me. I'm half-Japanese, but pure 100% American. It's still hurtful to hear those things. It IS a big deal. It STILL hurts. It accomplishes NOTHING. There is NO excuse!

    I do everything possible to teach the children in my life that THAT type of attitude and behavior is unacceptable and is NOT beneficial. If I only make a difference in one person's life, my job will have been successful!


  • fodeja



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