A message for Rex, aka SHINING ONE!

by nicolaou 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    This is your response to a 16 year olds plea for help in http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/116852/1.ashx

    First you should cry out to God to demonstrate His presence to you and your situation. After you pray this pay very close attention to anyone who comes into your life or any event that shows God heard your cry. I did this and He was very quick about reveaing Himself but do keep up the prayer. I have been there and I know. Do not do anything to alienate your parents as it will backfire. If you come at them like some of the people do here you will just prove the Watchtower was 'right'. To get relatives and friends out you need prayer, patience and guidance. Feel free to send me a IM here anytime.

    I don't at all recommend this site. What you have here is a bunch of malcontents that will do their best to remove any belief in God that you have left. Find some Christian friends, and I mean 'born again, Bible believing' people that you can talk to about this. You no doubt know some. I am praying for you now. God bless.


    Rex, who the fuck do you think you are to show someone so young such crappy, judgemental, intolerance? Your advice for a child who has managed to wake up to his/her cultish upringing and is seeking an escape without severing the bonds of love with his/her parents is to go join another fundamentalist christian group!! Oh brother, how moronically stupid are you?! You say "Do not do anything to alienate your parents" but how do you think this 16 year old posters JW parents would react to THAT? Nic'

  • Stealth453

    AMEN Nic!!!

    I would have personally used a few more f bombs, but you said EXACTLY what needed to be said.

    Good for you . Just pissed you beat me to it.

  • kid-A

    "Feel free to send me a IM here anytime"

    More disturbing to imagine what his/her parents would think about them contacting a 51 year old x-tian fundamentalist CREEP on the internet!!!

    If he/she is reading this, please go through the posting history of the shiny one to see first hand what a complete and vile nutbar this guy really is!

  • daystar

    Telling to me is this:

    First you should cry out to God to demonstrate His presence to you and your situation. After you pray this pay very close attention to anyone who comes into your life or any event that shows God heard your cry. I did this and He was very quick about reveaing Himself but do keep up the prayer.

    I relate this to the Discordian Law of Fives, which basically says that anything you look for (apply focus of mind to), you will tend to find. Try it out sometime! It will lend a certain perspective to Shining Ones "proof" here.

  • Crumpet

    Nic thanks for posting this - I didnt think a lot of Rex's reply either - but each to their own. I think the other posts were generally heklpful and supportive, advocated caution, offered support and shared experiences - just as I expect when someone comes here looking for help!

    Also thanks for posting that link as it enabled me to respond to a thread i had previously missed.

  • james_woods

    Did anybody notice (what I think is) - the real point of the matter?

    That 16 year old poster has not been back, according to my views on the post history.

    While I suppose that it may be a little fun to spout sheer and utter bullshit once in a while, maybe we should be a little careful until we know who the new posters are and have a chance to see where they are coming from.

    Shining one not worthy to shine boots of worst and dirtiest traildust cowboy.


  • nicolaou

    Apologies for the f word, now I've chilled out I wish I hadn't used it. I value articulate expression and good manners and it bothers me that Rex can wind me up so much. I'm determined not to let such narrow minded zealots turn me into something I'm not. ('though hopefully he's gone for a good long spell this time)



  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well done Nic for posting this, and I don't blame you for using the f-bomb, it's not something I personally say, but in this case it was justified. This bit of rex's rant irritated me the most:

    I don't at all recommend this site. What you have here is a bunch of malcontents that will do their best to remove any belief in God that you have left

    I really don't know how he dare post that. True, some on here have little if any belief left in God, myself included, but we do not question others right to believe. I have never tried to remove anyone's belief, and I can't think of many posters who have.

    Since I exited the wts, I haven't been tempted to join any other religion, or even attend any other religious meeting. It's people like rex who convince me that I am right not to.

  • trevor

    Religion and insanity are bedfellows.

    Both distort the mind and lead their victims away from reason.

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