Okay, many of you know my story. For those who do not, read it: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/116414/1.ashx So now, my girlfriend's "sister" has been given an ultimatum. She must stop associating with Lynda (my girlfriend) or be DFed herself. The problem, though, is that she has not stopped her associations. They are doing everything in secret. They will not stop hanging around each other. They just are not soing what they are "supposed" to. I don't want Gracy to be involved with the JW's either but if she gets DFed too, i fear it is over for me. There is just not enough room in any of our lives for a threesome. I've said it before, i cannot compete with Gracy. I know it may seem evil and selfish, but i wish Gracy could just be out of the picture for awhile so i can tend to Lynda and we can decide what we want. Then, maybe, we can help Gracy get out of the organisation. Mostly, i just needed to vent. Thank you all for listening to me. Advice? Comments?
***UPDATE*** girlfriend DFed
by kgav8r 6 Replies latest jw friends
It sounds like the ball is soundly in Lyndas court with regard to your relationship. If Gracy gets DFd they will be spending MORE time together because nobody will be talking to either one of them so they will only have each other. If they are that tight and you are waiting in the wings, dont wait by the phone darlin.
Men come and go...girlfriends are forever.
Thanks Loves, looks like it is time to have a nice chat with lynda. Things have returned to normal, pretty much. It seems, though, everytime she talks to Gracy or another JW, they put it in her mind how aweful i am for her. It must be satan controlling my life. i guess i am inherintly evil as i am from the world and not in "the truth".
Tell you GF you trust her judgement and leave it at that. pressuring her to break her friendship will only turn her against you - however the same works viceversa and if her friend interferes in your relationship detrimentally then she may just turn against her in the end of her own volition.
If you were my son, I'd tell you to go find a girl that doesn't have her head all messed up with cult crap.
lisa<-----former cult crap head.
The best thing you could do is become friends with both of them,( yes both of them)Your GF should be your best friend and companion.In this ife you never have too many friends, an on the other hand,it is said,"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Dan
I think Dan's advice is the best thus far, friend.
Don't interfere with someone's relationship with another. If you can, become party to the relationship. It can happen, trust me, been there. If not, or you just don't want to out of jealousy or possessiveness (because, really, that's what it is), then move on.