Will Israel be blown to kingdom come this year?

by headmath 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • headmath

    If you are familiar with Michael Drosnins book "The bible code" then you have a better idea of how to respond. Is the bible code a bunch of malarkey or does it have some "truth" to it. After all, there is a war going on right now in the middle east with Syria, Iran, Lebanon and others all against Israel.

    Will an escalating war cause the watchtower to print articles like" Armageddon at hand!"

  • hubert

    Israel has always been "at war". All her neighbors want to anhialate them. So, they have to act when they feel they need to, for their own security, and I don't blame them one bit. If Israel ever gets devastated, they won't be the only one. I'm sure all the retaliatory "targets" are picked out already.

    As for the j.w.'s using this, they already are. ie: convention = "Deliverance at Hand". Need I say more? This is their great opportunity to shake up the R+F masses.


  • metatron

    The Bible Code is baloney. Here's what the newspapers leave out: Many Arab governments are happy to see Hezbollah get bombed,

    regardless of how much they hate Israel. Hezbollah is Shiite and closely associated with Iran ( who, being Persian, aren't Arabs).

    Many Arab governments are afraid of Iran and also hate their guts because Sunnis don't like Shias.

    Eventually, you may see a peace settlement emerge - that exerts pressure on Hezbollah to leave Southern Lebanon. I also expect that

    eventually the Palestinians will vote on - and approve - a "two state" referendum.


  • stillajwexelder

    I'm sure all the retaliatory "targets" are picked out already.

    I dont think there would be much remaining of Damascus or Tehran. If the whole Arab world become involved I dont think it will be worth bowing down to Mecca anymore either. And Cairo - now there is a juicy target - or the Aswan dam

  • Momofmany
    As for the j.w.'s using this, they already are. ie: convention = "Deliverance at Hand". Need I say more? This is their great opportunity to shake up the R+F masses.

    My mother was watching the news tonight, and started to cry. I asked her, isn't this what you've been praying for? Why are you crying? She told me how all of her grandchildren are going to die, as well as all of her children. It breaks my heart when she gets like that. Yea, they will use it to scare everyone to do more. Give more, preach more.

  • Forscher

    Will israel be blown to bits?
    Not likely! There is one reason and one reason only why Israel hasnh't been directly attacked by neighboring Arab nations since the Passover war in the 1970s. Nukes. Israel has them, the Arabs don't. It has been much safer for its neighbors to use surrogates, the so called "Palestinians", to do their dirty work for them. Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. hide among civilians like the cowards they are and use them as a shield and for the sympathy value. That makes a thorny problem for Israel since any defense will invariably harm "innocents" and there are no open targets for them to strike at. And with Israel's nuclear capability, it gives her neighbors deniability while they are funding and otherwise promoting their terror campain.
    The bottom line is that none of their neighbors are going to do anything which will give Israel a legitimate reason to vaporise them off the face of the earth. So Israel is going to be chipped away at with the katushas, and thats about it.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    If one of the bullys in Israel's neighborhood nuke them, they will not have a homeland for the Palastinians and of course the Holy land would be all messed up. A little sacraligious even for the Muslims.

    So, no Israel nuke action. Just another skirmish in the pathetic world of tribal religions on steriods.


  • headmath

    I was reading Michael Drosnins bible code 2 book today.

    Man I tell you I could not put that book down. I have a mathematical background and folks it looks like this stuff is real!.

    Drosnin points out that the world trade center bombings are clearly spelled out in the bible code.

    It mentions bin laden , twin towers, airplane, terror, Atta ( one of the hijackers) ans so on

    The bible code points to the year 2006 as atomic holocaust. Also the year of 2006 is one of war

    I told a few JWs about the bible code and they say it is satanic.

    and I say, WAIT a minute!! This is the BIBLE CODE not some mad ravings from Nostradamus

    A mathematician in Israel discovered the code This mathematician is in the bible code also. He is described as the decoder

    . I personally have belief that the code is real. If 2006 turns out to be a dud then you can all laugh at me, but if shit happens in 2006 then don't be suprised

  • headmath

    Now Im confused. I was just at a site that said the bible code was a fraud. It may very well be. They tried an analysis on the text "Moby Dick" and it came up with the names of 13 presidents!!

    Oh well guess I got my hopes up hehe

  • greendawn

    Not likely since they are allies of the USA and they enjoy its protection, it is like the 51st state of America. After all they soundly defeated the Arabs in 1967 and 1973.

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