Anyone left the ORG, because they were force out for being gay? I am not gay I am married but have a few gay and lesbian friends. I was just wondering about that. I do know that in the Hall that my parents went to when I still lived at home, one of the Elders at that hall had a gay son, he was an active JW, not out of the closet but HELLO FRISCO he was so gay, later I think he came out but no one told me anything about what happend to him.
Gay JW
by Wordly Andre 3 Replies latest jw friends
JWs do not accept people who are not heterosexual. So I am sure the guy either quietly left and moved far far away, or he was DF'd for his sexual orientation.
Wordly Andre
I don't see this Topic under Friends? does it take awhile to show up?
I'm decidedly non-heterosexual, but it has little to do with my leaving the organization. Actually, I doubt anyone from my days in the Watchtower even knows anything at all about me now. I really don't go out of my way to hide anything, but I do avoid anything having to do with The Truth (TM) whenever I can.