You guys aren't going to believe this!
I just got a cool new tattoo about 2 weeks ago, from probably the best black & grey artist in the USA, Shane O'neill. (check out his website if you get a chance) I only have one other tattoo on my leg, and that is 6 years old. Anyway, this new tattoo is on my upper arm. So anyway, after supper tonight, I took the family down to the local ice cream shop for some cool treats in this ungodly heat that the USA has been having lately. I was in shorts and a muscle shirt, muscles & new tattoo plainly visible. We finished up our ice cream, and I took up the trash to the nearest recepticle. I dump it in, and then turn around to go back to my family. Low and behold, whom is right behind me? Why, the PO of course! This particular brother I've known my whole life really, and know his son as well. I wasn't a dick, I just nodded politely at him and kept going.
The best part? The look on his face; he clearly saw the tattoo.....and he must have thought I was a real sinner now! But, I brushed it off and reminded myself that we're no longer under Mosaic Law; which means I can eat shrimp, ham, and get ink!
Ok, so who wants to see a pic of my new tattoo? goes. Anyone else whom wants to share, please do! This took 5-1/2 hours to complete, and is really much better in person.....very realistic black & grey portrait. I love tigers, and really hope they survive and don't become extinct. This particular one is a Siberian Tiger, or Amur as they are now being called. I hope you all like it; who knows - maybe the PO secretly did! lol!
Wing Commander