JWS in the Indianapolis Star

by mrsjones5 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mrsjones5
  • thecarpenter

    the reporter was Robert King. Isn't he a JW apologist?

  • JH

    I guess their door to door isn't working too well, since they have to post their beliefs in the paper.

  • karen96

    Same canned replies. I bet this went through Brooklyn, and not the local KH.

  • riverofdeceit

    What's this crap about "awaiting Jesus return" in the title? I thought he came invisibly already, or some crap like that. I like how they say that "politics and nationalism cause divisions". So do JW's. Cults usually follow a human leader...[we follow a group of human leaders so we aren't a cult].

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It was a pretty easy interview for the jws. It would have been logical, to me anyway, to have followed up the question on people leaving with one about how those who leave are treated. It seemed like the reporter was helping the jws to portray a positive image. I wonder if the person interviewed counted his time?

  • Leolaia

    "His presence is felt in directing the congregation and the worldwide preaching work today."

    "Though in the past, some have speculated as to when this might take place and have been eager to see this prophecy fulfilled, the Scriptures clearly indicate that only Jehovah God knows when that appointed time will be."

    Who are the "some"? Isn't it the same "congregation" that Jesus is "directing"? Didn't those expectations (1914, 1925, 1975, etc.) come from the publications published by the Watchtower? So if Jesus is directing the congregation in its affairs and if the congregation has repeatedly speculated about something that only Jehovah knows, doesn't that make Jesus pretty presumptuous?

  • garybuss

    Speculation = guess
    I'm hardly impressed.

  • poppers

    "• Religious education/training: Continual education at weekly congregational meetings and through Watchtower and Awake magazines and/or publications and three annual assemblies. Attended schools that train elders; twice-yearly visits from a traveling representative who provides additional instruction."
    Well I'm convinced of his credentials based on his "education". How could anyone question this?

  • headmath

    When they launched the voyager spacecraft, they had a watctower CD on board hoping to propagate the JW religion to distant planets

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