Ok, last night I watched a food show where some cute Australian guy picks up shopping housewives, offers to fix them and their family dinner and comes home with them after shopping. . . So, he talks to this cute little housewife shopping for her husbands dinner and strikes up a conversation with her, finds out what she had planned for the day.
She teaches Bible lessons to people and that is how she was going to spend her afternoon. He jokes, saying he ought to go along with her-how does she do it? She goes Door-to-Door. He says he ought to do that. . .anyway, after she tells him that to do it he would need to set a good example, not have any vices(she was buying wine when he approached her and used Kahlua in the Tiramisu, but I guess that is only a vice if you are LDS), and do something with his hair I knew she was JW. . .which she soon stated. He, not suprisingly, shut up and said not another word about going out in door to door ministry with her!
Anyway, she was a cute lady, and nice, and there were a couple of non JW'y "Oh MY GODS" when hubby came home, but it was otherwise unremarkable.