Question--did I dream this, or were we taught as witness kids that the creation account really happened in 1000 year increments, and that carbon dating could not possibly be correct? The new 'awake' about creation has an article about how kids can defend their faith in school, but as I recall, I was programmed with different answers...
by nsrn 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Can someone scan and put up on the web this issue of the Awake? --VM44
New Worldly Translation
I seem to recall the 1,000 year increments were modified to 7,000 years so that the last creative day was 6,000 years - armageddon - 1,000 year reign. 49,000 years total for all creation! This was pre-75 though when the orgs scientific ponderings were even more barmy than nowadays.
There have been quite a few instances in the publications about the purported inaccuracy of carbon14 dating for dating fossils. Of course this is nonsense because carbon14 is never used to date fossils as it only has a half life of about 5,000 years. Other forms of radiometric dating are used to analyze dinosaur bones and such.I haven't seen the new awake so I'm curious to see what nonsense is contained in it.
It sounds like something I remember from fPLtPR book. If someone has that dinosour they can look it up maybe?
I remember being told carbon dating was wrong because the FLOOD messed with the rate of decay used in measuring process!