I have been searching for a copy of Graysons ABC 1975 to purchase for my own for some time. I have found exactly 0, ANYWHERE, forsale that is. SO I went to Rice University and spent about 20 bucks and copied the whole thing (all 300+ pages with plates images in the back). Then I went to kinkos and had the ledger size sheets cut down. I am in the process of scanning these copies so I can put the whole thing into PDF. I am not going to sell it for any who might be interested, but because of the rarity of this book and the importance to JW's I will make it available if you feel like you need the whole thing, I do cause everyone or I should say every witness questions the veracity of any negative info. Thus now I can show them the whole thing and point them to a library copy and dare them to compare. It is a lot to scan and I need to cleanup the dark edges and straighten some of the images, so it may take some time....man I need a high speed scanner. Anyway just thought I would let you know. The book is mustard yellow by the way, not at all what I expected. Grayson is pretty good though, I started reading the intro and such and it is quite obvious he has NO agenda. He gives some good examples as to why the tablets are reliable and discusses some of the other historical evidence that is related. I must tip my hat to Lady Liberty, it was her getting the book through the library that prompted me to look for it there. Thanks. Well, it is always fun spending an afternoon bent over a copier with a book about babylonian chronicals! -r
I copied the whole DAMN thing!
by rassillon 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm in for a copy. Let me know if I can help on the cost.
Do be careful about handing this out. Appreciate that you are not planning to for money but copywright laws over here in the UK specify that only a small percentage of any publication can be reproduced without the author's expense. Don't want you getting sued for infringement of copywright laws or anything mad when you have gone to all this trouble.!I've never actually heard of this book - could you tell me what is in it? who was Grayson?
Lady Lee
a scanning tip for you
If some of the pages you have photocopies have a faint image of what was printed on the other side you can prevent that bleed through by placing a dark sheet of paper on top of the sheet you are scanning (copy face down on the scanner and then place the dark sheet on top of that).
Well that's if you have a flatbed scanner. I suppose it might work in a scroll through if you casn get it to take the two sheets together
There are lots of rare and old book agents who will find books for you online. You can find links to them through sites like Barnes and nobles (www.bn.com) Of course you have it now but usually they will find you a copy and they don't charge much!
Here is a thread that Lady Liberty started which should explain the importance to you. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/111407/1.ashx -r
Lady Liberty
Dear Rassilion,
I can't believe you copied 300 pages!!! I am thrilled that someone else is able to use this information! My parents (who were very active all my life, but left too) "Rockhound" and "Little Bo Peep", pointed out to me that the Insight book under Nebuchadnezzar, quoted this author A.K. Grayson in support for 607. We discussed how strange it seemed for this Babylonian/Assyrian expert ( who by the way is considered an expert by the British Museums standards ) to support 607, making him virtually the only expert we have ever heard of, having proof from the Babylonian Chronicle to support the Societys date. So I decided to get the book and just see if they were being honest in quoting this expert or not. Well, getting my hands on the original book (not a reprint) proved harder than I thought. However. with a little digging, I was able to get my hands on a copy. My local library had to do a search of 3 states, and finally ended up ordering it from a College University Library. (Hey, it just occured to me why the organization is against "higher learning", they don't want you to get your hands around this book!! Ha Ha Ha Anyway, I would like to thank "Rockhound" and "Little Bo Peep" for being the deep researchers that they are, who I so dearly love, and admire! If it wasn't for them bringing the Insight books quote of the expert to my attention, I would of never known about it either! And also I want to thank my friend "Rassilion" for his dedication in not only digging for proof to verify claims against the organization, but because he spent much time copying this book and now is making it available to any who needs it. For all that have never heard of this information, and who are still trying to decided if this is the "truth" or not, PLEASE check into this information. You will see for your own eyes the deciept and dishonesty concerning 607.
Lady Liberty
Is this it?
Babylonian historical-literary texts.Grayson Albert Kirk.
Print-to-order reprints for $42.95
I don't think so, I could be wrong, but he did publish several books. And the ABC book was published by J.J. Agustine Locust New York, or something like that. That is cool though, I thought that that should be a service offered by kinkos, hard to find books or self publish, just order from kinkos and run down and pick it up... Maybe they have his other one too.