Watchtower Water

by messenger 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • messenger

    In the recent PR release the WT gloated over their efforts of providing water to Jehovah's Witnesses who walked into the front door of 124. It seems Wt is taking every opportunity to misrepresent to the public their actual community efforts. In the latest Awake the obituary for a sister who passed away read as follows:

    "she performed voluntary community service as a Jehovah's Witness by teaching the bible to interested people for 54 years"

    Voluntary community service? Excuse me? Would that be the same as saying a person performed voluntary community service by selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door for 54 years? How about fuller brushes?

    It is interesting a couple of articles later in the magazine the earthquake in El Salvador and the work of relief to witnesses was once again transformed into a relief work for the entire country. NOT! Notice this comment and see if you find the subterfuge:

    "By mid-April 567 provisional homes had been built by the Witnesses for victims of the Earthquakes and almost 100 additional households had received materials to repair their damaged homes."

    Who do you think the victims and additional households were affiliated with religiously? Jehovah's Witnesses only.

    To pretend you are helping the general population in an earthquake devastated country would compare to the WT staying they had a major share in the cleanup at the World Trade Center disaster. If you were to compare the relief efforts expended by so many in El Salvador to what WT did for its own people there, it would easily parallel the three cups of water given to Witnesses at 124 while thousands do the real work of trying to help those in need.

    Why is this clear misrepresentation of facts continuing in the publications of the society? The answer seems to lays in the religious status of Watchtower around the world. So many countries have seen for years WT only helps themselves while pretending to be a charitable organization. WT stands to lose tax-free status and not obtain tax-free status in many countries for this reason. So what is there solution? Would it be to actually reach out and help non-witnesses? Hell no. Instead they foment a lie to misrepresent the work they have done for years as now being a great charitable work. All the articles about how many have been taught to read. Who do they teach to read? Jehovah's Witnesses only, a small point they forgot to mention in the article. Similarly in the article mentioned above at no point was it clearly mentioned they were only helping fellow JW's. Why? I think you know the answer to that question. Why would an organization whose sole interest is to represent God on earth lie about their charitable efforts? Is that what God wants? Perhaps that is it, God needs them to fib to protect his assets on earth. Could the real answer be that God is embarrassed that his name is attached to such a group of selfish, greedy, self-serving, cult members?

    Will the Awake run a story in the near future about the excellent relief efforts expended by WT during the WTC crisis? If so, you can be sure that while many JW's marvel at how wonderful the society is, the rest of us will know the pitiful efforts of a billion dollar corporation to deliver Watchtower water.

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