The Changing Watchtower?

by Morocco 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Morocco

    I just want to go over a couple of topics on my mind and see what you guys all think about it.

    I've noticed recently the new change in the Blood doctrine and, to me, I interpreted this as the Society's way of FINALLY acknowledging the fact that the teaching is too difficult to maintain. This is like putting a small crack in a submarine so that the water doesn't come rushing in causing people to panic, but with time the ship will still sink. Allowing fractions is the next step to allowing blood and soon they will be denying that they ever had a no-blood doctrine.

    The recent convention was Deliverance At Hand! Notice the exclamation as if it was a certain, authoritative statement, not a supposition.

    The Watchtower says it has quit assigning specific dates to events, yet they give every follower the math and means to assign their own date, one that is the same with everyone. Take for instance the following 1993 article from

    God's Purpose Soon to Be Realized
    How Close Are We?
    6th Paragraph Down)

    How long a time period would these last days prove to be? Jesus said regarding the era that would experience the "beginning of pangs of distress" from 1914 onward: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." (Matthew 24:8, 34-36) Thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. So some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to i ts end. That generation of people is now very advanced in years, indicating that there is not much time left before God brings this present system of things to an end.

    Interesting. Let us all suppose that the MAXIMUM life span of a human is... 112 years. The difference of 2006 and 1914 is 92. So if “that generation” were 0 years old in 1914, they are 92 years old today. So we have a MAXIMUM of 20 years left. So, on the safe side, let us say half that... 10 years. In 10 years the End should come, maybe even safer and say 5. For the next 5 years I will be Sodom and Gomorrah incarnate, then repent, and be okay. However, the Society, with this article, says in no uncertain terms that The End will come in the next 20 years.

    But, hey don't forget, we all need to heed scriptural advice that “it is not for us to know the hour which God has set by his own authority.” So you can't say you know the exact hour, but it doesn't say anything about estimations!

    Now we hear rumors that the Watchtower corporation is separating itself from the Jehovah's Witnesses. This of course, will never truly happen because they are the same being. The ties from the Jehovah's Witnesses to the Watchtower will just go underground and become harder to find. One more skeleton in the closet.

    Something, I believe is about to happen with the whole entity of this religion. I think they are sitting on a major paradigm shift. They must adapt to a changing world or crumble, and I think there are signs that they are changing, but they are simultaneously desperately trying to create huge influxes of people with Armageddon scare tactics (that worked so well in the past) without becoming responsible for what they know won't happen. SOME of their rigid doctrines appear to be softening or on their way to becoming obsolete, yet they continue to propagate that their Deliverance is At Hand! The End could be tomorrow! And how much more effective will this be for The Watchtower when they can blame everything on the Jehovah's Witnesses if something goes awry like in 1975 or 1914? The separation is a fail-safe, and insurance plan, and it has been created because the amount of damage-control work has taken its toll on the corporation. Are they afraid they are going to run the Witnesses into the ground with upcoming campaigns? Are they going to let the Jehovah's Witness brand name die if one of their preaching campaigns becomes too hot to handle? Are they planing on experimenting with the newly isolated religion and shaping it into something else?

  • Morocco

    by the way, how the heck do you get formatting to work in here?

  • james_woods

    One more post paragraph like that first one, and you will have a plethora of volunteers to help you with the formatting thing.

    On my computadora, it works just fine when you hit the carriage return a couple of times after every third or fourth sentence.

    Excellent logic, though. I agree that blood fractions is one of the first little cracks in the feet of the beast idol. Wonder if maybe the end of the "generation" and the "seven thousand year creative day" was not also a "sign of the times"?

    And now, we have the Sept 1 "Awake" on Evolution - can this one actually be saying that "little tiny evolution steps are OK", but we still want to insist on "intelligent creation" primarily?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    re: how to format here... are you using Firefox? If so, your paragraphs will run together. I post using Internet Explorer, then I take a brisk shower.

    No Apologies

  • hopelesslystained

    when using firefox, i found that checking both the html formating box

    and the automatic cr/lf box in the

    options area below the posting box to at least keep my double spaceing.

  • Seeker4

    I don't even have those boxes. What I do (Firefox on a Mac), is write and post my comment, then I immediately click on the post title, wich drops a little box with options. I hit "edit" and that automatically gives me my paragraph spacing. Try it.

  • headmath

    You can find the very last armageddon date here. Look for 2034

    This gives 2034 as the very latest for armagedon. This is also the year when the WTS will close shop for good.

  • yaddayadda

    The Society will sit tight until 2014. I believe they are putting all their chips on the end coming by then. When the end doesn't come in 2014 it will signal the end for the current paradigm because declining new publishers numbers will steadily worsen after this date. We will then see either of two things happen - a new date pulled out, eg, 2034, or a softening of policy and doctrine.

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