I'm sure you all have seen this video, but I just had to comment on it. It shows off the humanitarian work that JWs did in a selected part of Africa. This is such doubble speak. Their publication criticize those who do humanitarian work because 'why should we be putting our efforts into this old system of things'. Just a few weeks ago my wife commented how a daily text used at the meeting for field service stated how humanitarian work isn't the right work to be involved with. The comments she says that where made by the Elder as well as others where disgusting, speaking about how stupid these other religions are for wasting time on people that are 'just going to die anyway'.
Then the WTS puts something like this on their site to give the appearance that they support such work, yet a close examination shows they do not. It says that in a 10 year peroid what amounted to about 10 cargo planes worth of material was sent to the region, that is 2 planes worth of material per year. I'm sorry but that isn't an impressive number, especailly since you get the feeling that this aid was directed towards only JWs and nobody else.
The humanitarian work they have done is commendable, just like the work done by other groups. But for them to be so selective in their giving, as well as actually going as far as to ridicule others for doing an even far more raeching work is quite appaling. These leaders should be ashamed.
Watch the Video Here
How can the WTS make stuff like this???
by drew sagan 9 Replies latest jw friends
drew sagan
Whoever made that video needs to review the article, Jehovah Hates The Course of Treachery, in the May 1st 2002 Watchtower:
10. Are we personally alert, so that no unrighteousness is found on our lips? For example, can our family members really trust what we say? Can our spiritual brothers and sisters in the congregation do the same? It would be easy to develop the habit of couching one’s words in terms that are technically accurate but misleading.
This type of doublespeak is at the crux of what the WTS does wrong. Think about it, almost everything one is supposed to do as a dub is centered around giving a good impression, (of ones self, the cong, the org, etc). IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT WE REALLY DO AS PEOPLE! It's a shame it took me as long as it did to see it.
Just a few weeks ago my wife commented how a daily text used at the meeting for field service stated how humanitarian work isn't the right work to be involved with. The comments she says that where made by the Elder as well as others where disgusting, speaking about how stupid these other religions are for wasting time on people that are 'just going to die anyway'.
Hey Nakita is it cold? In your little corner of the world.......
Can you just feel the love?
Sorry I cant bear to watch the video.............maybe after my lunch
Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of mealy mouthing Innuendo -Danny Haszard Bangor Maine
Look at the video again, notice the doctors office is bare except for a few empty binders, seems the whole thing is staged.
THe african clips could very well be stock footage.
And most of the boxes look like they have come off the WT book production line, i.e. just books no food.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day.
Give a man a WT mag and you will keep him poor while taking his contributions for life. -
New Worldly Translation
I don't think I can stomach watching that video at the mo'. Maybe later when my fortitude is stronger!
We all know the witnesses do very little actual charity work and when they do it's of the reactive kind, usually to large media covered disasters where they will get maximum publicity, like Done4good said. This is in contrast to pro-active organisations like the red cross, medicine sans frontier and others who are always helping those in need and whose workers put themselves in harms way every day of the week. It disgusts me that the WT org can call itself a charity organisation.