by Free Eagle 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free Eagle
    Free Eagle

    I looked at the pictures that were previously posted on this board of the disaster in NYC
    and the picture of the destruction of NYC which had all those smiling JW faces. I understand
    this picture was on one of the WTS publications.

    The people who created the picture of the JW's rejoicing over the "world's destruction" (I am part
    of this world - one of those evil worldly people) are in the same category as the terrorists who
    killed all those innocent people. It is uncomprehendable and sickening to me to know that there
    are people who can create such sickening images. Especially those who are from a religion who
    claims to be Christian - God's/Jehovah's people? Not by my standards - I am glad I was never a JW.
    You do not have to be in any particular religion to be a "Christian" - I feel being a true Christian comes
    from your heart & soul, not by how much you can do for a man-made organization.

    I am not saying ALL JW's are that way (I know one who is a truly very loving person, we
    are friends, ooooh bad thing right - "bad associations spoil useful habits", right?), I know of
    others who stay in the religion because they are afraid of the shunning, etc. that would occur
    if they were df'd, and I also have gotten to know many ex-JW's (ex because these people know
    how to exhibit true, unconditional love and compassion for mankind).

    What type of a religion would rejoice in the pain and suffering of those not of their faith? Certainly
    not a religion of true love - only conditional love for those who follow the man-made rules of
    the organization.

    I have read posts from JW's that only mention and were concerned? about the welfare of
    "their own" in NYC - what about all the other poor people who are missing, trapped inside fallen
    buildings, killed, and their grieving families? What about them? I don't see anybody concerned
    about them - oh yes, that's right - they are not of your faith (like myself), we are the "walking
    dead", I believe you call it Babylon, right? Where is your sense of human decency?

    Have some compassion, you folks located at the WTS corporate HQ's in NYC near the disaster site
    should offer your aide & assistance to "all the unfortunate" not just "your brothers & sisters". Other
    total strangers have - I read the post about the iron workers from NC.

    I read another post on this board, it's contents were along the lines of not hearing the other
    religions only being concerned of "their own" - they expressed concern for all humans - their
    compassion was not "religion specific". What religion a person is never enters my mind - and
    should not for anybody - especially in light of this disaster.

    We are all on this "world" together, whether or not you want to admit it or not - why can't we
    all work together? l

  • closer2fine
    I looked at the pictures that were previously posted on this board of the disaster in NYC
    and the picture of the destruction of NYC which had all those smiling JW faces. I understand
    this picture was on one of the WTS publications.

    Do you have the link to this thread?



    Mean People Produce
    Little Mean People - bumpersticker

  • Winston

    Free Eagle,

    Do I know you?

    Thanks for starting this thread.

    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to .000000000000000000000000000000001
    Who is like God?

  • Free Eagle
    Free Eagle

    Right now it is on the first page - title need images by Norm Haviland.

    There are several other pictures in this thread.

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