A Message From Caroline Myss
Dear all,
During the past twenty-four hours, I have received hundreds of emails asking me to comment on the disastrous events of yesterday. All day I thought about how we should respond to Tuesday's horrific events. When I couldn't fall asleep last night, I returned to my office and wrote a newsletter to all of you expressing my thoughts about this crisis, but when I read it this morning, I realized how emotionally in turmoil I had been when I wrote it. I was obviously confused and unclear about what to say to you. My second attempt was a bit softer, but something was wrong. And then I realized that I was not actually saying what I wanted to say. I was screening my sentiments for the sake of being spiritually proper, while attempting to offer some worthy insights about the political atmosphere of this planet right now. This, then, is my third effort.
Surely many of you have felt just as confused as I, and perhaps are having many of the same reactions as I am right now. To begin with, I cannot seem to comprehend that the World Trade Center has actually been destroyed. I commute to New York City from Chicago on a regular basis, and always when landing, I saw those magnificent twins holding their iconic position on Manhattan Island.Ê Witnessing their implosion yesterday and watching them crumble was an experience that I cannot find the words to describe. And I probably don't have to, since I am sure that all of you felt the same horror. The unimaginable was occurring right in front of our eyes.
Without a doubt, the disaster that our country experienced yesterday will have consequences that will be felt from now until forever. I listened to General Colin Powell commenting about the terrorists who brilliantly masterminded this crisis, saying that this was too well planned to be a one-time event. More horror is inevitable, but from where and from whom? The world has never before faced a faceless enemy. How do we defend ourselves? And what types of weapons will this enemy be willing to use? Germ warfare? Nuclear bombs? At least during the Cold War there was an understanding that neither side would ultimately win a nuclear war. Nuking the enemy was the same as destroying one's own nation. So we stared at each other for decades until both sides admitted that they had created weapons that they would prefer never having to use. The world breathed a sigh of relief.
Those behind these recent acts are clearly not so globally wise and compassionate. They may not view losing millions of people as a catastrophic event. Once a dear friend of mine made the insightful comment that he was not so foolish as to fight an enemy who is not afraid to die. Yesterday we witnessed terrorist pilots who were not afraid to die, to consciously sacrifice their lives for a cause--doing what for them was clearly an act of honor. This fact makes our opponents all the more frightening. So how should we respond? Should we go to war? According to the figures gathered by polls, almost ninety percent of Americans are in favor of military retaliation. Maybe that percentage will drop by tomorrow or next week, but for now the vast majority of this nation is prepared to go to war.
Now, however, we must realize that the destruction that wars have created elsewhere can, and probably will, happen on our own soil. We have never prepared ourselves for doing battle in the streets of New York City, or Washington, D.C., or anywhere else. We never thought that we were vulnerable to invasion of any kind, which makes this event all the more traumatizing. In attacking the two targets that represented the "invincibility" of this nation--its finances and its military--these terrorists communicated the message that we are as vulnerable to destructive forces as any other nation. In their minds at least, our Golden Days have come to an end. While most of us would prefer to believe otherwise, it may not be inaccurate to say that in bombing our financial and military headquarters, they struck two other targets even more important to our survival, namely, our Bill of Rights and our Constitution, for never again will we be as free as we were prior to this disaster. Part of the government's response will be to clamp down on some of our freedoms and to restrict our lives in subtle ways. You can assume that security measures in airports will become tighter than we've ever known. One pilot told me that curbside check-in of luggage is already a thing of the past. Luggage can be randomly searched now. And who knows what other forms of security policies are going to be introduced into our lives? What if we have to begin taking "papers" with us in order to get into certain public buildings? Outrageous? So is suicide bombing New York City. Outrageous things happen precisely because we think they are too outrageous to happen.
The perspectives of positive attitude and spiritual oneness that characterize the human consciousness movement are like wiring that has been put into place during the past forty years. Now these perspectives need to be animated more than ever so that our world does not fall prey to the darkness of suspicion and hatred that terrorist attacks automatically inspire. We have spent years preparing to be spiritually effective, and I hope that we will respond in some measure with wisdom and compassion. Otherwise we are in danger of entering the same kind of cycle of suicide bombings and military reprisals that we have witnessed in the Middle East over the past decade. But can we pull it off? One person emailed me saying that he would like to hold to a higher perspective, but all he can think of right now is "taking out" the enemy. He said that he always criticized people in other nations who would not forgive and concentrate on finding ways to live in peace. Yet now, he writes, "I cannot move past wanting to see those who did this wiped out. I don't want to feel this way, but I do--and I don't want to pretend that I don't."
I have a great deal of respect for this man's honesty, because he risked the response of his peers who might be inclined to deny they felt those same emotions. In being candid about his response, he does more to serve the healing of this crisis than someone who represses those feelings while volunteering to give blood. Confronting the truth within and recognizing the spiritual gap that exists between potentially enlightened feelings and actual, darker ones begins the clearing out of the unconscious. You invite into the light your spiritual incongruities. The author of the email remarked that a few people said that feelings such as his lacked compassion, to which he said, "I'm not ready to be compassionate, but at least when I am ready, those feelings will be genuine."
It is difficult not to share this man's sentiments. In trying to imagine what lies ahead of us, I feel waves of rage rush through me at the very thought that a mere handful of individuals is now holding the entire world hostage. It's not just us, it's every nation that now has to live on constant alert. Our military and government officials are openly discussing their fears of germ warfare, enemy tactics for which there are no successful ways to protect our population. How can we not feel rage? The way of life of the entire planet was changed forever on Tuesday. I heard one man say that we should not overreact, that this is only one act of terrorism, after all. I wanted to shake him like a rag doll. Yes, these bombings do represent one three-part act of terrorism. But from a symbolic perspective, they represent the emergence of enemies that cannot be fought successfully with all the weaponry we have, because we don't know where they are or in how many countries they are hiding. Our leaders fear that these people would not hesitate to use the most lethal of weapons, sacrificing even their own members to accomplish their goals.
Months ago I wrote a column about the spiritual significance of the Sacred Contract of this nation. If I have guidance of any value to offer in the midst of this nightmare, I have to base it on my experience with so many people during the past twenty years. What I have to say will sound contradictory, and perhaps it is, but these are my thoughts. Because of the way we have lived in this country for the most part--protected, safe, well-fed, free--we are also extremely naive about what could happen to us. We think, "Oh, the government won't let this happen," or "Come on, now, things are never going to get that bad." To that I would now say, "Look alive. They can get that bad." As I watched television this evening, I saw the army covering Washington, D.C., like a war zone. I saw men armed with weapons that could wipe out five hundred people before needing to reload--all standing on Pennsylvania Avenue. What if that's they way it's going to be from now on? Impossible? This incident has told us that what happens elsewhere can easily happen here, so why not martial law?
Peter Jennings interviewed a government spokesman this evening and the topic was whether we would have to give up some of our civil liberties for the sake of security. God help us all if it comes to that, for it would mean that these planetary criminals will have done what no other foe has managed to accomplish: they will have brought us to our Constitutional knees. We must always keep in mind that once a freedom is revoked, it is never returned. I fear for that now because it can happen. Now I am prepared to recognize that anything can happen--poisoned water supplies, toxic germs sprayed into tunnels, anything. A segment on the news brought up security around the February Olympics in Salt Lake City, noting that the majority of organizational efforts being put into place have to do with terrorist protection. Terrorists are even controlling our sports events.
I am only listing the tip of the gargantuan iceberg that we are now facing, for we are living a type of scenario that is a cross between the archetype of the Titanic (we never thought anything could sink us), and Pearl Harbor (the explosion of our bubble of impregnability). (How curious that major movies were recently and released on these two events.) But we have been preparing ourselves for years to rely on perceptions of a higher order, like group meditation and prayer, as a response in times of darkness. We need to do that now more than ever. Let me suggest that we agree to send positive thoughts to the planetary community each day, and not just for world peace. And if any of you has a suggestion that would benefit all of us as we move together through this storm, please share it. We also need to pray for the innocent people who may end up paying the price for the actions of a few. I saw on the news this evening, for example, a story about how many Arab Americans have been attacked in retaliation for the recent acts of terrorism.
I realize as I write this that I am communicating with you as if we are at war, but according to what I am hearing on the news and the language being used by our leaders, we ARE at war. I am going to share a story with you as a closing thought. During World War II, a psychic named Tudor Pole was an adviser to Winston Churchill. (Turning to psychics and astrologers as well as others skilled at alchemical arts has never been an uncommon practice among world leaders.) Tudor suggested to Churchill that he urge the British people to hold Britain in their thoughts every evening at 9:00 P.M. for one minute. This became known as the "silent minute." Whether this collective effort helped protect Britain from invasion will never be known. All we know is that the island was never conquered. And incidentally, after the war, papers were found in Nazi records noting that Britain had a "secret weapon" connected to Big Ben, but they were never able to identify the nature of that weapon. So, shall we meet each evening at 9 o'clock?
God Bless You All
To my Salon family:
As a result of this catastrophic event, I have decided to change the
subject matter of September's Salon to, "Understanding the Archetypal Meaning of Global Events".
tonite@ 9PM
by stephenw20 9 Replies latest jw friends
bringin it back up
I thank you for sharing Caroline Myss' message with us. I found it very profound and had conflicting emotions of my own while reading it all. Too many emotions to comment on it right now, but I will after I sought out my own feelings about what I've read. She definately is able to express her feelings very well, as the man who wrote her does. It'll take me time to try and to the same. One comment I'd like to make though is that if "spiritual oneness" were actually a real thing, then the world would be a whole different place for us to all exist.
Thank you again for sharing.
somebody -
Hello Stephenw20,
thanks for sharing the message with us.
Very nice and thought provoking, expressing the deep feelings
of someone touched and grieving...with a great pain.
Surely a touching message.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
Somebody & Mac Thank you... I had to share this as it was shared with me....
the place we have all heard of ... the paradise the REV 21 3-4 place is that ~oneness...~
the earth as we know it ,is no longer.... there is a new earth today full of new possibilities and full of new fears. fears we never considered before. There are many more still to consider. ONLY the spiritual oneness, the idea ~we~ all are ~one~ we all are human with spirit, can bind us in a way to rally in such an incident.
We have grown up a lot in a few days. Priorities are now in focus. The challenge is to keep them there and not allow us to become COMFORTABLY NUMB again. being conscious is a very painstaking thing , when its done all the time.
I hope this incident incites a heightened sense of fellow man , of love and of ultimatley forgiveness of the tradgedy . ONly Love can make this go away. its the only thing that can unite the world. AND make no mistake this IS the time.
Please JOIN us Tonight
A message from Marianne Williamson:
Dear Friends,
In my book HEALING THE SOUL OF AMERICA, I wrote about an experience I had in a hotel lobby in New Delhi during the mid l990's. It resonates deeply for me today. An Egyptian diplomat, whom I met while taking a break from leading a spiritual pilgrimage to India, came up to me and gently, kindly said these words:
"I do not mean this as a criticism of the United States. I know the Americans are good men and women. But please try to make them understand: many people in my part of the world feel that they have been forced to try to keep up with you, in a race that we do not really care to run. Your technology is amazing, but America seems spiritually polluted to many of us. Your ways are not our ways, and while we were tempted for a while to think that your ways should be our ways, we do not think that anymore.
This is the problem, Ms. Williamson, and there will be terrible consequences in the world if America does not come to understand this. Islamic terrorists have had such success- if you can call their campaigns a success -- because they have been able to persuade millions of peasants that America is bad. It is not too difficult to do, Ms. Williamson. All they have to do is describe the television programs you export to this part of the world, and millions of people are very horrified. America often comes across to us as very arrogant and uncaring.
Your government does not understand. They do not see how the people feel. We need the American people to understand. Perhaps you will bring more Americans to our part of the world. If they come to understand us, then they will respect us. We would feel that respect, and then I don't think that the terrorists would have such success. This is not a job the CIA can do. It is only a job which people can do."
His words have rung in my ears over the last few days, and I thought that perhaps they would ring in yours. They reveal important information, which I hope we all take to heart.
Peace and love to all of you,
Marianne Williamson
One comment I'd like to make though is that if "spiritual oneness" were actually a real thing, then the world would be a whole different place for us to all exist.
It can be, if that's what we want. We can each do our part to contribute to such a unity.
Mark therein lies the question & the power.......
we must decide
only ~each~ of us can...
Here's another letter:
From: "Ajahn Amaro" <amaro@a...>
Date: Thu Sep 13, 2001 9:08 pm
Subject: His Holiness the Dalai Lama's message to President George W BushHis Holiness the Dalai Lama's message to President George Bush
12 September, 2001
Your Excellency,
I am deeply shocked by the terrorist attacks that took place involving four apparently hijacked aircrafts and the immense devastation these caused. It is a terrible tragedy that so many innocent lives have been lost and it seems unbelievable that anyone would choose to target the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. We are deeply saddened. On behalf of the Tibetan people, I would like to convey our deepest condolence and solidarity with the American people during this painful time. Our prayers go out to the many who have lost their lives, those who have been injured and the many more who have been traumatized by this senseless act of violence. I am attending a special prayer for the United States and its people at our main temple today.I am confident that the United States as a great and powerful nation will be able to overcome this present tragedy. The American people have shown their resilience, courage and determination when faced with such difficult and sad situations.
It may seem presumptuous on my part, but I personally believe we need to think seriously whether a violent action is the right thing to do and in the greater interest of the nation and people in the long run. I believe violence will only increase the cycle of violence. But how do we deal with hatred and anger, which are often the root causes of such senseless violence? This is a very difficult question, especially when it concerns a nation and we have certain fixed conceptions of how to deal with such attacks. I am sure that you will make the right decision.
With my prayers and good wishes,
The Dalai Lama
Dharamsala, India