Who all thinks we could be nearing another World War? I like talk radio and that seems to be Glen Beck and Matt Drudge's opinion.
World War Three?
by jayhawk1 7 Replies latest jw friends
Wordly Andre
They must have been talking to my mom
Yep. WWW.3.com is upon us folks. Nice to have met you.
I doubt it. Why? Small wars make money. A world war would cost far too much for the return it would generate. The powers that be, could never afford to let things escalate into a money losing world war.
Much as I really like Glen Beck, I think the media likes to set the debates up and start catch phrases for us all. Kind of like Lou Dobbs switching the term 'guest worker program' to 'amnesty'. The implication of each term isn't lost on anyone and now by calling the conflict over there, world war 3, it heightens the fear level in people and creates more sensationalism. War on Iraq or Occupation of Iraq? War on terror or war on Iraq? I don't think this is another 'great war'...but I think if something doesn't happen soon, it could very well be. With the amount of nuclear capability out there, somehow I think it would be mighty short. sammieswife.
WW III....I thought so too until last week, but the fact is that involved parties rather enjoy of economic progress, except North Korea and Iran. N. Korea may be handled by China through diplomacy but Iran is out of control and will be dealt with -IMO- militarily within one year, eg: cruise missiles into their nuclear plants.
Gotta get rid of the debt some way.
I rather say War World I