Does anyone know when the JWs began saying that "the Word was a god" for John 1:1?
And when did they start saying that Jesus died on a stake?
by brianhenke 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Does anyone know when the JWs began saying that "the Word was a god" for John 1:1?
And when did they start saying that Jesus died on a stake?
blondie......where are you.......??
About 4 years ago when I was in RCIA, I asked our parish priest about the whole JW Jesus stake thing, he gave me some information on it, and its somewhere in my library, but I like the fact that he told me its not only supported by our church that he did infact was on a cross but he said ask any historian who has knowledge of Ancient Roman civilization, and they will confirm what the church has been saying all along.
If I find those papers I will come back and post
there is some info on the cross at
It was not until the 1930's that they changed to a stake, simply to further segregate JWs from Christians. In the book Life 1929 1,000,000 ed. p.216 It still said that “Jesus was crucified upon the cross”
Apparently the first time Russell openly wrote against the Trinity was 1899 5th volume of Studies in the Scriptures, so I would imagine he had to have some argumentation about John 1:1 then.
Like so much of what JWs seem to believe I don’t understand their obsession with the stake, the tree and the cross. Do JWs question that Jesus’ execution was ordered by the Romans (Pontius Pilate)? Most historians have found that the Romans preferred method of execution was crucifixion. Crucifixion involves affixing the condemned to a cross. I suppose there can be some valid discussion as to whether the cross was formed by affixing the cross beam to a tree or a stake, but you still end up with a cross. The only variation I am aware of is the crucifixion sometime takes place on a cross that is formed as an “X” rather than the most often depicted “T”. More details: