how many unbelievers are still considered JW's?

by candidlynuts 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    i've recently found out about

    1 df'd person who doesnt believe anymore

    2 teens one still active one not.

    1 fader

    1 ex elder who is still active

    1 older person who is still active (and maybe her husband)

    none believe its the " truth" anymore and only stick around to maintain family association.

    this is in a congregation of about 65 people... just under 10% of attendee's dont believe? thats just of the ones i know of. how many others still go just because of the fear of losing their family? oh, in the same congregation a husband, wife, married dd and her husband all recently quit all together. none df'd but no longer attending. i guess faders but its well known they have problems with watchtower policy. some of their extended family in surrounding congregations also quit going recently.

    this is a congregation that had over 90 publishers when i moved away in 2002!

  • Seeker4

    I know many in the congregations who are really just nominal JWs - attending but not really believing.

    The easy route for some, especially if you have family in.


  • blondie

    Inactive, those who don't turn in time, are technically not counted in the numbers of JWs in the yearbook report. So if a person "doesn't believe" but still turns in time, they are still considered a JW.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    I suspect there are quite a few paying lip - service to the religion in my old kh. I know of one brother who no longer believes in jwism at all, but still goes along rather than lose his family, and he was an elder until 18 months ago.

  • done4good

    I guess I just can't understand if someone dosen't believe anymore, why continue to go??? I know I could not have done that.


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