Not that I was in attendance, but family members were. So now I have to hear how wonderful it was and what I'm missing out on. Apart from everlasting life. Undoubtedly, I will be given any new publications in the hope that I'll see the light again. They forget that I've still got the old publications so if I want to refresh my memory on "the truth" I can do that at any time. Those old publications will remind me that we are now in the 1000 year reign because it's after 1975. When will I lose the bitterness?
DC over for another year
by penny2 7 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, penny2.
I don't consider that bitterness but protecting yourself. We must not forget the lies and deceit and the continued lying and deceit lest we forget and go back. The WTS is a spiritually abusive organization.
Thank you blondie. I really appreciate your response. Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to go back (when I see the distress my parents are under due to my lack of attendance). Then I use my brains and remember the lies.
Penny Yeh I got the "we just want you to be with us in the new world" crap too over the weekend. Seriously mental these JW relatives. Always puts me in a frump even though I don't want it too. I usually reply "Well it would be nice to be there now. When is it coming exactly? Do you have the dates yet?" Then they reply "Oh It's just around the corner!!." Just around the corner??? Good god almighty, it must a freakin' big corner! Braindead JW's...such a sorry sorry group of people. Pope
dupe post - please ignore.
dupe post - please ignore.
Hey, penny, eventually things die down, especially when they see their tactics are not working.
We had a flurry of calls and a couple of drop bys the first year. But we ignored the calls. It was easier for me with my family because they are so abusive, verbally, emotionally, and spiritually (and in the case of my father, sexually).
It is harder when they are "kind" about it. But think, if you knew the cookies they brought over were poisoned and would make you sick, would you eat them to be kind?
Love, Blondie
The WTS is a spiritually abusive organization.
Yes, Blondie. Had a rare encounter yesterday that I will post in full another time. Sweet person, but not getting through the impenetrable shield of JW-speak. "Imperfect men. Imperfect men. Imperfect men." But - follow them anyway! These are the men that God has chosen to determine life or death for all of us? So, so sad - how people have given up their free-will and ability to think rationally.