Yesterday (Monday) while getting out of my car in a supermarket parking lot, I was approached by two well-dressed young men carrying Bibles. At the first instant I froze, thinking that they were 'you-know-whos.' It should have occurred to me right then, from the fact that both were wearing white shirts, black ties, & name tags, that I was not dealing with JW's.
My immediate response was to say that I was not interested but thanks anyway. The first one was pleasant enough & shook my hand; the second was a bit more persistent (actually starting to open up his Bible), so I was more forceful with him. I was so distracted at the time that I did not think to ask a couple of the questions I have always had about the LDS faith (perhaps there will be another time..)
Anyone else ever have a similar experience (i.e., parking lot encounters with groups other than JW's)??? I found myself wondering whether the JW's picked up the idea from the LDS, or vice versa