Parking lot encounter, but not with JW's...

by DesertRat 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesertRat

    Yesterday (Monday) while getting out of my car in a supermarket parking lot, I was approached by two well-dressed young men carrying Bibles. At the first instant I froze, thinking that they were 'you-know-whos.' It should have occurred to me right then, from the fact that both were wearing white shirts, black ties, & name tags, that I was not dealing with JW's.

    My immediate response was to say that I was not interested but thanks anyway. The first one was pleasant enough & shook my hand; the second was a bit more persistent (actually starting to open up his Bible), so I was more forceful with him. I was so distracted at the time that I did not think to ask a couple of the questions I have always had about the LDS faith (perhaps there will be another time..)

    Anyone else ever have a similar experience (i.e., parking lot encounters with groups other than JW's)??? I found myself wondering whether the JW's picked up the idea from the LDS, or vice versa


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I haven't with LDS, but all the time with those Victory Outreach guys, I mean they are kind of nice and funny but damn they look like gangsta's I think they are just trading in one addiction for another.

  • JWdaughter

    I had a near parking lot encounter yesterday, but it was a guy who was just gonna hit me up for a few bucks for "a bus ticket-he has a job in the next town and his car broke down". Or else he was gonna hit me up for a ride and then rape and kill me. I don't talk to ANY freak who approaches me in a parking lot! (I live too close to a hosptital for criminally insane and high sec. prisons)

  • JWdaughter

    Monday is the LDS guys day 'off'. I am surprised they approached you in the parking lot. They must be very hardcore, cause that is the one day they don't have to be missionaries(well, they still have to be good, but it is prep day-to shop, clean, laundry, etc.)

  • earthtone

    Actually the church that my family was going to before studying with Jehovah's Witnesses came to our door. They also showed us the same scriptural command about going house to house. But other than them( they were baptist), I had never heard of other religious organizations doing it. Now I got to watch out for them too! Great.

  • JWdaughter

    We have several churches come by occasionally and invite us to services. About 4 at last count. Except the JWs-they no longer show up cause they know about me:)

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