Who listens to Mike Malloy Air America internet 10 to 12 PM Central time?
Mike Malloy!
by the sage 8 Replies latest jw friends
I like talk radio, but never heard of him.
the sage
He's earth shatering. Air america has some good talk show hosts. Exposing religion, politics, and commerce the present corrupt system. I get it off the internet. Google will bring it up for you. 'Air America' then hit the stream at the bottm left corner. He's actually on from about 9 to 12 PM. You won't regret listening.
the sage
Ah, yes, Mike Malloy. The intellectual treasure chest who refers to George W. Bush as "Chuckle Nuts", Laura Bush as "Pickles", and refers to Republicans as "bastards". I find him to be very crass, yet I still like listening to him for some reason.
the sage
Yes Authur!
I'm with you. He seems to have no fear of saying whats on his mind. I feel he's right on the button most of the time. And what about Ronda Rhodes?
The Sage!
You might have to refresh my memory, but isn't Air America the liberal version of conservative talk radio? If it is, then I must give it a try. I'm lost without Phil Hendrie now that he retired. His show was the funniest show I've ever heard. If you never heard of him, he would talk to himself on the phone while on the radio. He had both female and male characters he would talk to, meanwhile his call screener would find people gullible enough to argue with his character. I miss him.
the sage
Hi Jayhawk1
I'm not familiar with Phil Hendrie even though I've heard of him. Give Mike Malloy and Ronda Rhodes a listen for a couple of day's and let me know what you think?
The Sage!
I am one of the biggest, all-time Phil Hendrie fans ever. Not only is it the funniest radio show I've ever heard (and radio was my career for 15 years,) but it is also the funniest thing I've ever heard.
What exactly is the deal? He's not really retiring is he? I just thought he might be moving his show from terrestrial radio to satellite radio. The guy's only like 50.
In fact Phil's website www.philhendrieshow.com says they are planning to relaunch in October 2006. Hmmm...