Jehovah's Witness Elder poisoned by excommunicated man

by sherrie11 8 Replies latest social current

  • sherrie11
    DISGRUNTLED Jehovah’s Witness was caught on camera poisoning his elder’s milk with weed killer after being excommunicated over an extramarital affair, a court has heard.

    For the first time, The Advertiser can name and show Brett Darren Mardon, who is standing trial accused of attempting to put three lives at risk — the elder, his wife and their young child.

    He has denied injecting milk, apple juice and other liquids in the refrigerator of Ben Anthanysz with glyphosate — a weed killer that causes health problems if consumed in large quantities.

    Mardon has maintained his innocence of the charges despite being recorded by a CCTV camera mounted in the Anthanysz’s kitchen.

    Opening the trial, prosecutor Nick Healy said Mardon’s actions were a vengeful response to his church peers ignoring his existence, as required by their faith.

    He said Mr Anthanysz had been part of a three-person Jehovah’s Witness committee that censured Mardon “for having sex with someone while married.

    Mardon was part of the Jehovah’s Witness congregation based at Crafers, and was excommunicated because of moral issues,” he said.

    “An excommunicated member is still entitled to attend church meetings, however none of the congregation can speak to him while they are there.”

    Mardon, 47, has pleaded not guilty to three counts of attempting to create a risk of harm and three counts of serious criminal trespass in a place of residence.

    He has pleaded guilty, however, to two counts of theft — namely stealing personal documents from Mr Anthanysz’s home.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    (Crossposted from Simon's thread).

    Maybe his evil twin brother did it.Thank goodness it wasn't anyone disfellowshipped for apostasy.

  • stuckinarut2

    How would this ever HELP his case?

    Just strange...very strange and disturbing!

  • Simon

    Poisoning someone is a sick and cowardly thing to do but to poison milk and apple-juice in a house that has children in it? Nothing could ever remotely justify that.

    This story to me reinforces why we need to temper our language and make clear that we object to the policies and any illegal or immoral actions that the organization does, not try to incite hatred toward the people or suggest that all actions that the organization takes toward members is unfair or unwarranted.

    Nothing justifies attacks against people that wouldn't be better handled by the law.

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  • JWdaughter
    I'm glad they convicted him and he won't be a danger to this family anymore.
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  • Vidiot
    I'm thinking the guy has some mental health problems.

    Obviously the guy is "Out of his Mind"..But..

    JW Elders ruin a lot of peoples lives..


    ............................Some People Snap..

    .................Image result for despair

    Image result for what goes around comes around


  • sir82

    Pretty much the only people who respond to the JW message anymore, at least in the West, are the mentally or emotionally unstable.

    As the ranks of the emotionally & mentally unstable grow, incidents like this, I fear, will become more common.

  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "Pretty much the only people who respond to the JW message anymore, at least in the West, are the mentally or emotionally unstable. As the ranks of the emotionally & mentally unstable grow, incidents like this, I fear, will become more common."

    Damn, I hadn't even thought of that...


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