My wife was telling my JW friend who is visiting that for the past few meetings the brothers have been telling the cong that no one is donating and that they need money. I told her it sounded like the end was coming. She looked at me puzzled, as my friend did, and I explained what Charley had originally said about when the money dried up it meant the Jehovah no longer needed them. They both looked at me and changed the subject...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
JW's asking for money
by sinis 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I believe Russell said that Jehovah was no longer using them. And when you think about that that is a serious position to be in. They have become like the churches that they despise. Always asking for more money.
Everyone else has to cut back or do w/o. They should follow their own admonition to trust in God to provide. And maybe His answer is NO.
There was a thread earlier about asking for eight dollars?!?! Did anyone ever find out it that was a month? or a one time thing?
There was a thread earlier about asking for eight dollars?!?! Did anyone ever find out it that was a month? or a one time thing?
The WTS has a program where the congregations donate the equivalent of $8 per publisher to the congregation to pay for auto expenses/insurance for the traveling overseers. The letter is read to the congregation hoping to spark each individual member to cough up the 8 bucks. But whether they do or don't, the $$ comes from the congregation funds.
It's nothing new. They've been doing it for years.
My favorite topic!
This has been covered well in several other threads but I will comment again.
While I do not believe they have NO money, there is probably less and less coming in from contributions. This is their own fault. Their own stupid policies of discouraging higher education and secular work have come back to bite them. They have caused terrible, terrible problems for those gullible "faithful" ones who listened to this foolishness. While it is true that most christian religions speak against being materialistic the JWs are unique in that they actively persecute or gossip about ones who attend college or who make a good living. They are very biased against anybody who is a professional or highly educated. Whether jealousy enters into this picture is highly probable. I will mention, however, that some had their own business and were affluent and somehow avoided poverty but that was "okay" if they had the right personality or were generous.
Let's not forget the economy is bad. The old hard-liners who gave the most and were actually able to retire comfortably are dying off. The younger ones and those in mid-life are struggling to make ends meet. People who didn't save for retirement are trying desperately to catch up and a lot of these people are angry, I might add. The saddest ones of all, I think, are single women in their 40s who can't even afford their own apartment - let alone have a house! Some of them passed up good jobs or careers so they could pioneer. During the best years of their life they were doing housecleaning when they could have been making decent money somewhere. Now, they are eking out an existence! Is the society going to help them in their old age for which they are not prepared - HELL NO!
I could go on and on.
Imagine the burden placed on the pioneers and publishers. Gas in America is well over $3 per gallon. I drive a geo metro and to fill it's tiny tank cost me $20. My F150 costs me $80 to fill from empty to full. Now I'm sure pioneers and publishers are not driveing what I have, but something in between. So lets assume a normal car to fill from empty to full is about $45. And that car is used in service and to meetings regularly enough that it requires one fill per week. That's $180 per month. Let's assume that person's job is the normal High School Diploma style job that pays $25,000 per year. After normal living expenses, there is just no money left for the contribution.
The society isn't retooling the Revelation book with its 70 corrections, because they don't have the money. I see this as a good thing. How long before the average JW can't afford to stay at a motel for the DC? As I understand it, the Wichita Kansas area was supposed to go to Oklahoma City for the District Convention. I know I couldn't justify the expense of going based on these figures.
Wordly Andre
At least when Churches ask for money it does go to some good, When was the last time you heard of hunger relief that the JW were involved in, or help for the homeless? Money for AIDS babies? They only care about helping themselves, and never fellow man, well especially if that fellow man is worldly or unknown! Yes at my church they do ask for special donations, but we see what we are helping, a young priest who didn't speak much english was helping a poor village in Mexico, another special donation was only asking for pocket change, they were helping un-wed mother who wanted to have an abortion, they gave them the option to give up the baby instead of abortion. Tell me if JW's money ever goes to anything like that.
the nana
JW are not suppossed to give to charity or help out less fortunate non JW because then they are not putting faith in the paradise, right. Also, why would you try to help people when you can spend that time in field service, isn;t that the arguement????
Yes the big problem with the witnesses is they keep asking for more and more money, but when was the last time you ever heard of a witness or witness family that is completely down to no income and bills are piling up and the bro. can't find work because at 55 years of age what kind of job can you get when you didn't get a good education with proper skills.
The society is like a parana's, they keep gnawing away at you to donate ,as this is pleasing to Jah and he will give to you so long as you are seeking first the kingdom. So the brother has not job so to put kingdom interest first he is goes out proving to the congregation he is putting God's work first in his life. We all know so well that gossip starts and then the witnesses in the hall call the brother a loser because he isn't even trying to find a job he isn't providing the nessecities to his family.. It is like your damed if you do or damned if you don't .. I know of this happening in a few halls I have been in over a 37 year period. That is the witnesses for you. Judgemental for sure .
The Organization are such losers, they beg for help but in the immortal words of Russell... the time we have to solicate funds we then know Jehovah is no longer helping us out. Or something along that line.
911 a typical senerio with the witnesses, in Bethel they lock down everything instead of going out into the streets making sure their neighbours are okay where they should have openned their doors to shelter and feed the hungry, console those who were distraught. NO NO NO they were cowards, shaking in their shoes that that may have been the commencement of the Great Trib. I mean lets get real those poor simpletons in Bethel are pathetic.
They use people as slaves to work their asses of in facilities all around the world and they are still begging for money. And now they are ridding themselves of out timers who gave their lives to this so called Godly Organization . Bitterness will soon result for those who devoted all to Mother...
I am so mad with their stinking additude. They are losers I tell you just plain losers. That is one organiztion I will never donate to ever ever again. It pisses me off that my mother does with out so she can help Jehovah's Holy ones. OH gee what a laugh and she cries because she feels they don't understand her illness. It took the cong. over 19 years before they allowed an ill person to hear the progam from the kingdom hall. That hall has alot of finicially sucessful families. My mom has donated 1000s of dollars to her own hall and 10,000 dollars for relief when the society called for help to pay for homes and food to brothers and sisters who lost everything . Yet the Society says it has funds for relief and do you ever hear of them doing it. The Salvation Army and the Red Cross and Fema put the WATChtower to shame .
I hope that every law suit brought up aganist the witnesses causes them finicial problems. Obviously they are in trouble when they lower themselves to accept donations from Cigarette Companies. Like Philip Morse. What HYPOCRITES. Then the UN cover up. ohhh
I hope that anyone who was or is still being abused, molested, and falsely accused that these fantastic survivors take that WTS to the pits of finicial despair.
Now that I have got that off my chest I will breathe again....