Update on my friend

by fullofdoubtnow 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I spoke to my friend Marion, who is currently trying to fade, earlier this evening. I havem't seen much of her lately, as she has been on holiday, and is also spending time with her son, the non - witness one.

    She is keeping a low profile lately, as it is now around 2 months since she last went to a meeting, and the elders are harassing her. She also thinks they may be spying on her, which wouldn't surprise me, as they've done that to other faders in the past. We haven't seen her in person for a while, as she doesn't want to be disfellowshipped at the moment, and if the elders found out she'd been associating with us it would mean a jc for certain.

    We do speak fairly regularly on the phone, as we did tonight, and I get the impression she is determined not to go back, whatever the ultimate cost. She knows that if she continues to miss meetings, the gossip will soon start, if it hasn't done already, and then some of the more hard - assed ones will probably shun her, but she is prepared for all that. She will need to be strong, and I think she will be, and she knows if she needs us, we are only ever a phone call away.

    She sends her love to all of you, and hopes to be able to post on here soon. She hasn't got a pc as yet, but plans to get one soon, so hopefully she will be able to update you herself then. Ubtil then, I will keep in touch with her, and post updates when anything happens. She is hoping that eventually the elders will forget about her and leave her alone, but there is no sign of that happening just yet, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


  • Fe2O3Girl

    Linda, I wish I had had a friend like you when I was leaving. Having someone who understands makes all the difference.

    Don't forget that this is a public medium - it isn't outside the realms of possibility that you and Trev have been identified on here, hence your friend's identity would be obvious, too. Might not help if she wants to stay under the radar...

    Rachel xx

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    FODN -

    Is this the gal that posted [thru you] her experience a month or two back?

    Please let her know that we are pulling for her. She is lucky to have you in her life.


  • juni

    Now your new avatar makes sense Linda.


  • Beachbender

    Best of luck for your friend Linda, I`ll keep her in my thought s & prayers.

  • twinflame

    Yes, what a good friend. I hope all goes well for you both.


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