Main Entry: apos·ta·sy
Function: noun
Pronunciation: &-'päs-t&-se
Inflected Form(s): plural -sies
Etymology: Middle English apostasie, from Late Latin apostasia, from Greek, literally, revolt, from aphistasthai to revolt, from apo- + histasthai to stand -- more at STAND
1 : renunciation of a religious faith
2 : abandonment of a previous loyalty : DEFECTION
So, let me see if I understand. From the JW pov - I am an apostate. I left the "Organization" So I am - "Apostate/Bad."
Many JWs, who converted from Catholicism, Baptists, Islam..etc, are also apostates, but now "Apostate/Good"
So, in other words, a huge focus of their work is to convince others that they should become apostates and join the JWs.