Who is this knucklehead?
former JW overseer embraces Islam (video)
by Nathan Natas 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Mistah MOJO
How very odd. An educated man, with a degree in theology, who became a Jehovah's Witness! Then became an Overseer, and then left "the Truth" back when 1975 was being touted as the date for The End. (Am I right on this? I read so many conflicting accounts from ex-Witnesses). Then he embraced the ultimate bizarro-world religion, Islam. How incomprehensible! I have actually tried to read the Koran/Quaran many times and after a few paragraphs I literally feel ill. It's almost uncanny. If I believed in evil spiritis I would think the Koran is full of evil spiritis just waiting to leap from the pages of the Koran. On a more sane note, I think the Koran is a distillation of all the negativity in the Bible. Anyway, thanks for the link! This was a very odd experience. Enjoyable in a very strange almost "train wreck" sort of way.
You havn't seen the full extent of the train wreck until you have read about the actions of mohammed, who muslims usually claim is the pinnacle of morality.
This should work out just great for him..