I remmber sister so and so she looked about 100-years-old I felt sorry for her she was at every meeting and everyone was passing her around, cause she always needed a ride to the meeting. She was one of the 144000, so much for brotherly love. I had a hard time with that, she could only partake on the memorial good thing she got a ride that day. She wouldn't have been counted.
by eyes opened 2 Replies latest jw friends
Eyes, I wasn't exactly where to go with this, and I see you are pretty new, so first of all - welcome.
I don't think that I knew any of the "authentic" annointed ( by that I mean somebody really old enough to have really been into this earlier than the 1930s past about the early to mid 60s, then they just seemed to either die or fade away.
I too saw some pretty arrogant treatment of these old brothers and sisters - one CO purposely picked out an elderly Greek brother for personal name calling, etc...I couldn't believe he was treating an "annointed" like that.
The reality of this is that the organization does not care about "rank and file" annointed in the least. Many of them, even when they are "old enough" are viewed with suspicions. Partaking of the emblems doesn't get you much respect unless you are of the Governing Body, a hand-picked "new annointed", or such...
Just my opinion, but that is what I saw with my own eyes,
There was an anointed brother we knew in another congregation. A brother of his congregation told us that after 40+ (?) years the anointed was appointed to be an MS. I asked if he was a good speaker and qualified to teach, and how could it be that Jehovah anointed him to be king and judge in heaven, yet he is not appointed to be an elder. The answer was that the elders didn’t like him, since he was critical of them and knew the bible better. He never became an elder. As a child his didn’t make much sense, I thought the elders are in big trouble with Jehovah. fts