Out of the mouths of babes....

by safe4kids 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    On Tuesday, I picked my children up early from school and explained what had occurred earlier in the day. My son will be ten in a couple of weeks and my daughter is eight.

    On our way home, we stopped off in a store where the television was on and showing scenes of the tragedy. My children were full of questions, naturally, and I answered them as best I could, still in a state of numbness and shock myself.

    Then came the scenes of the Palestinian children celebrating in the street...I would not have allowed my kids to see this but I had no choice. My daughter watched and then, with eyes large behind her glasses, she said: "Mom, why are those people happy?" I didn't quite know what to say but I explained as best I could that some of these folks had been taught that Americans were evil, bad and so they were happy that we had been attacked. She thought for a moment and then asked me if they hate Americans; when I replied that yes, some did and desperately wishing I knew better how to answer her, she turned those large, uncomprehending eyes again to the children....then, in a very matter of fact voice, she said: "Well Mom, I don't hate them." Simple, innocent, and confident. She wants the people responsible to be punished (my son started out the door Tuesday afternoon announcing that he was going to join the AirForce ) but so far she does NOT hate, nor is she wishing for indiscriminate punishment of those who hate us.

    What a lesson for the rest of us whose hearts are grieving and our minds cry out for justice.


    I wanted to add that my heart, as are the hearts of so many around the world, has been heavy and sick since the events of Tuesday. I don't know what to think about the 'proper' course of action for our country to take...I feel much rage towards all of the people involved in the attacks and the governments who may be harboring them. I weep for those who have been touched by this in a personal way, those who have lost mothers, fathers, children, spouses, and other loved ones.

  • joelbear

    Your daughter's comments are indeed hope inspiring.

    It is interesting to see the difference between your daughter's and son's responses. Son, ready to fight (not meaning this in a disparaging way at all), daughter, ready to forgive.

    It may very well be that for mankind to enjoy peace, mothers will have to be allowed to be the rulers of all nations.



  • BoozeRunner

    As they say, "Children learn what they live."


  • Billygoat


    I mentally pictured your children as you talked to them. What a bittersweet image! You sound like a fantastic mom!


  • Mulan

    My 12 year old grand daughter was staying with us during the time of the WTC disaster (her parents went camping). When she came home from school (7th grade) the day after, she said they had been asked to write a paper saying what they thought should be done to retaliate against whomever had done this. She wrote that she didn't think the U.S. should go in and bomb anyone, because "how would that make us any better than them?" I was pretty proud of her for seeing that. (she is kind of an 'airhead' too). So I asked her what should be done, and she said, without hesitating, that they should find the ones responsible and execute only them. That would be fair, and teach a lesson. Pretty insightful, I thought. This from a girl who came home the first day wondering what the big deal was......."it's just a building". The worldwide implications had eluded her all day, but I was able to make an impression I think, by telling her how many people probably lost their lives, and that it was an act of war. I think the school must not have told them anything........

    But, that will not be the reality........but it gave me hope for that child. Too pretty, too popular, and REALLY ditzy. She was far more impacted yesterday, by the news that one of the teachers at her school was one of the victims of the plane crash in Mexico. That hit close to home to her. (And she was sobbing at Sharon's memorial too)

    Kids can amaze and confuse you.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • safe4kids

    Hey Joel,

    Interesting comments. I thought the difference in their reactions was kind of indicative of their respective genders...my son wanted to take immediate action and my daughter wanted to know 'why'. Before someone slams me for a gender based generalization, I know that they aren't true across the board...still, I did think the reactions were interesting.

    Boozy, I agree with you! That was one of the things I tried to explain to my daughter, that those children had been taught to feel the way they did.

    (((((Andigirl!))))) I think you would make an awesome mom. I make so many mistakes with my kids and when I get down on myself about them, I try to remember that at least I'm giving my kids better than what I received as a child. It was very bittersweet, seeing her response made my heart swell but at the same time, it is terrible that we have to expose children to the realities of the world. And my heart aches for children whose realities are painful.

    ((((Marilyn)))) How are you? Your family has faced so much sorrow in the last few months and your neice...what trauma to lose her teacher, to lose Sharon, and to face the tragedy that has occurred here in America. My heart goes out to all of you.

    Thanks all for your comments,

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